Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Interview With SlingshotJunkie

This is going to be a little different. Every question below was preset by AnimalBot99 because Slingshot cannot do this live. I’ll try my best to make this work.

Question #1: What do you do on Roblox?
I am a part of the community engagement team. That means I work on the forums, do social media, answer questions and PM's, help with the twitch chats/broadcasts, stuff like that.

Question #2: How’s modding the forums going?
Pretty well! It's a tricky thing to work with since the community has users who have been on the forums for forever, but you also have users who are brand new. That mix is always interesting and provides for some fun challenges.

Question #3: What’s your favorite hat on Roblox?
The Riddling Skull, though clearly the first slingshot themed hat that comes out will immediately become my favorite.

Question #4: Favorite color?
Blue, Navy Blue.

Question #5: Are you really a bot? (Jokes from Twitter :P)
No, I can't believe you'd even ask that! That's what I'm programmed to respond.

Question #6: Who would be your all-time favorite developer and why?
Well that's nigh impossible, there are so many I enjoy...I think I've had the most interaction with Pyrolysis though so I'd say him, probably.

Question #7: Do you like to build?
I love to build! Or maybe it would be appropriate to say I used to love to build. I've been playing ROBLOX since 2006 and I use to love entering building contests that they use to have. I even worked with the games team briefly for a year there, it was neat.

Question #8: What’s your favorite material?
Classic Plastic.

Question #9: Favorite number?

Question #10: When did you join Roblox?

Like I mentioned 2006. I won't give you an exact date, but I believe it the month August when I signed up on my first account.