Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Interview With DarkGenex

Animal: Welcome! First question is what do you do on Roblox?

Dark: Used to LMaD/invest. Nowadays I’m known for retexturing and my Twitter account.

Animal: How many retextures that you made got published?

Dark: At the moment, 20.

Animal: What retexture are you most proud of?

Dark: Ghosdeeri. Worked hard to get the first Dusekkar retexture published, after multiple ad campaigns, and a lot of hard work, managed to get it released as a 2014 Halloween Gift. Couldn’t have done it without the fans (and Brighteyes!)

Animal: I remember that coming out. I forget, how many years did it take for it to be published?

Dark: A little over a year.

Animal: How long does it usually take your retextures to get published?

Dark: Completely random. Usually, retextures are published during holidays, and it all depends on whether or not they’re
  1. good enough for publishing
  2. creative (and original) enough to be released
  3. acceptable enough quality that Brighteyes takes it

Animal: One thing I was always wondering was, when your retexture is published do you get a copy for free?

Dark: You always get 1000 ROBUX. If the hat is not limited, you additionally get a copy for free. If it is limited, you do not.

Animal: And it’s randomly decided limited or not?

Dark: Up to the admins.

Animal: When did you start retexturing?

Dark: October 2011

Animal: What was your very first published retexture?

Dark: Humbug Tie.

Animal: About how many retetxures in total, counting non-published ones, do you have?

Dark: Too many to count. I have 687 models, roughly estimating 150ish aren’t retextures, probably 500?

Animal: Do you only retexture items on Roblox?

Dark: No. I make retextures for Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, Super Smash Bros. Melee, Super Smash Bros. Brawl, and Project M.

Animal: In Roblox or the actual games?

Dark: Actual games.

Animal: That’s cool. I sometimes play Project M and Super Smash Bros. Melee. Do you think you’ll continue helping them?

Dark: I don’t actually release any of the retextures I make for PM or Melee (and I don’t work for PMDT or Nintendo, though either would be a dream come true).

Animal: So it’s basically something like fan based?

Dark: Yes.

Animal: That seems cool. How’s retexturing doing for a living on Roblox?

Dark: It’s not really a living, I did retexturing as a side hobby originally when I did LMaD as my “ROBLOX living”. However, as I started to drift from LMaD, retexturing became something I did more often. Nowadays I don’t do as much retexturing but I’ve been meaning to do more.

Animal: From my first question, you answered that you’re also known for your Twitter account?

Dark: I originally created my Twitter to send retextures to Brighteyes. Eventually, I started tweeting more and apparently people liked what I posted. I still don’t know how I’m at roughly 6500 followers. Not really much compared to real world standards but for some nerd who’s known for ROBLOX that’s pretty good.

Animal: I know Merely has a lot of followers too. But then again he and Seranok were mentioned on a lot of real life articles of game development.

Dark: They also have popular games and/or notoriety on ROBLOX, and interned there. I actually knew Merely before he was famous on LMaD, when he was still trying to collect all the limiteds. Most people on Twitter with a lot of followers (at least known from ROBLOX) are usually known for having popular games. For someone (me) who doesn’t have one, I’m doing pretty well (at least I think).

Animal: But you always have those type of people that get all these famous people (From Roblox) who follow you from doing something like interviewing them. I got Merely to follow me which was really surprising. But I only have 90 followers. I guess there are lots of ways to get more followers than just being known for a game.

Dark: Yeah. The thing about followers though is that if you’re trying to obtain followers, you’re not going to succeed. I couldn’t actually care less about my follower amount: it’s a platform where you speak to your audience. I’d rather have an audience of people who I can actually relate to and tweet relevantly to than a bunch of people who don’t understand anything I’m saying. If you’re just trying to increase your follower amount for the bigger number, you’re not getting people, you’re getting statistics.

Animal: Also sometimes you can have less followers which understand more of what you’re saying than someone with 2x the followers. What has retexturing taught you?

Dark: Graphic design, and how to communicate with people.

Animal: Would you be able to do what you do now without Roblox?

Dark: Absolutely not. Without ROBLOX, I wouldn’t have ever even approached graphic design. It’s because of ROBLOX and my time retexturing on the site that I have skills with digital image manipulation.

Animal: Do you have anything else you’d like to say? Or have any encouraging sentences to anyone wishing to become a retexture artist?

Dark: Sometimes, it’s more about the idea than the hat’s look. It’s always good to have Photoshop skills, but that’s only 20% of creation. The other 80% is coming up with things to make. If you can think of new, creative hat ideas that nobody has ever seen before, you’re already there.

Animal: Nice quote. Well, I think we went through everything. Thank you for your time.

Dark: My pleasure, thank you.

This has been an interview with DarkGenex by The ROBLOX Archives!