Sunday, July 12, 2015

Interview With PhireFox

LordElastic                                         Phirefox

Elastic: Hello.

PhireFox: Hello, friend!

Elastic: Would you like to introduce yourself?

PhireFox: I make average youtube videos about ROBLOX and I like eating fish.

Elastic: Do you eat fish in the videos? What are they about?

PhireFox: Lol yes. Sometimes. Pretty much I just make videos about ROBLOX and the stereotypical people or things in the game’s community. It’s fun :P.

Elastic: How long have you been making videos?
PhireFox: Surprisingly it’s been a few years now man, since like November 2012.

Elastic: How long have you been on ROBLOX?

PhireFox: I joined ROBLOX on July 13, 2008 on my account Dementis however that was deleted in Feb 2010. After that, I’ve had a few accounts here and there but they were also deleted. I made PhireFox on May 31, 2012 :-)

Elastic: Uhh… What did you do to get them deleted? I remember you said something about an account you had that you used to flame some people in forums and got banned.

PhireFox: Yeah dude I was a hellion as a kid. Back in 2010 I got really upset over something stupid my friend told me and I decided I’m going to quit ROBLOX and get my account deleted to really prove it to myself. So I spammed the forums with cuss words and welp… Lets just say I regretted it a lot back then. Looking back at it? I’m happy I was deleted - it was just one of the steps that took me to where I am now.

Elastic: So what made you decide to take an interview from a couple of noobs on ROBLOX?

PhireFox: Well I mean I love doing interviews and talking with my fans and stuff, just it’s hard. I’m a pretty busy and a very procrastinator-type person. So I tend to put things off a lot and other times I feel unmotivated or depressed (not lately at all thankfully) and I just fall asleep n stuff. I would do an interview with anyone honestly, just takes time to do it.

Elastic: How many interviews (From ROBLOX users) have you done previously?

PhireFox: Lol admittedly not many. Maybe 5 total.

Elastic: TRA has done quite a few people. Merely, Quenty, InceptionTime, JackInTheBlox, GordonRox24, and a few other pretty popular people. We still haven’t gotten Shedletsky yet. :P

PhireFox: Oh pretty sweet - and yeah, I’ve tried grabbing Shedletsky’s attention but HE REFUSES.

Elastic: The closest I’ve gotten is a Block on Twitter and a restraining order :(

PhireFox: Happens to the best of us.

Elastic: I bet it happens to you, too. ;)

PhireFox: Well there was that one time, but I’m ordered by the court not to talk about it.

Elastic: Ok yeah that’s a bit off topic. So, when you’re not making videos or watching Avatar, what do you do?

PhireFox: I sit in my bedroom where it is very dark and very cold and scroll the ROBLOX forums until bed time. (seriously, most of the time) but other than that, I hang out with my family a lot at the pool.

Elastic: I never really spend much time on the forums. I like my brain cells.

PhireFox: Yeah they’re pretty toxic a lot of the time, but you’ve gotta think they’re impressionable kids growing up with other impressionable kids where misery and pain is funny at their age so they’re gonna try to replicate what they think is funny. EH.

Elastic: What is your favorite video you’ve made?

PhireFox: Oh dude I’m asked this so much LOL uh. Truth is though I have no answer. I think any video from summer 2013 could be considered my personal fave.

Elastic: Well I was going to paste in the video but I don’t think I have enough time to find all those videos. So, do you actually play a lot of ROBLOX games?

PhireFox: I do! I mean, when I can. My internet is pretty bad so a lot of the time I can’t even connect to some of the games I’d like to.

Elastic: How long does it take to upload videos then?

PhireFox: Thankfully I go over my sisters to do that when she’s not home. There it takes like 20 minutes at most but at my house it takes like 600 to 800 minutes.

Elastic: I actually have great internet but I used to have the crappiest laptop that had a battery life of like 5 mins and I tried to upload a video on it once and it was like 10 hours.

PhireFox: LOL, yeah rendering time is pretty bad on not-so-good computers. My mac seems to do rendering just fine though :-)

Elastic: OK now the basic questions. -clears throat- D0N8 P10X

PhireFox: Haha you can have all the money I have on ROBLOX (it’s like 2robux and a few hundred tix)

Elastic: I have 10 Tix. But also 27 robux. I blew it all on a game.

PhireFox: Hopefully it was worth spending, eh?

Elastic: Well, I used to save up enough money to get a few hundred robux then completely waste it on stupid gamepasses on games I never played again.

PhireFox: Oh man I’ve been in that position before lol.

Elastic: There’s still some games I wish I could find again because I spent hundreds of Robux on gamepasses then it went inactive or something.

PhireFox: Yeah I did that with a few games I can’t remember now too.

Elastic: I just lay in my bed crying at night thinking about how much Robux I could have if I just spent it all on limiteds and crap instead.

PhireFox: Oh the mistakes we have made with money. Honestly though money burns a hole in my pocket in real life and on ROBLOX.

Elastic: I am extremely stingy with money. Not Robux, but money. I burn Robux as tinder for my virtual fire.

PhireFox: LOL.

Elastic: So, more default questions uhh… How long do you think you were a “noob” on ROBLOX?

PhireFox: Until 2014.

Elastic: I feel like I was for like at least a few years. I probably still am. Is there any group you joined or someone you met that really changed your experience on ROBLOX?

PhireFox: My family, friends and past experiences shaped the person I am today and of course the forum has left an impact on my personality as well. The internet in general really changed my experience on ROBLOX if that makes any bit of sense.

Elastic: it really doesn’t but OK.

PhireFox: LOL. I am but an enigma.

Elastic: What is your favorite game on ROBLOX?

PhireFox: Apocalypse Rising all the way and has been since 2013.

Elastic: What games do you play, if any, other than ROBLOX?

PhireFox: WoW, The Organ Trail, The Walking Dead by TellTale :-)

Elastic: I play TWD, but what is Organ Trail? Is that a zombie game?

PhireFox: Imagine The Oregon Trail but The Walking Dead oregon trail.

Elastic: That actually sounds really cool.

PhireFox: Yeah man it’s like a few bucks on steam at most, pick it up when you’ve got the chance.

Elastic: Yeah I had the same idea I am looking at it now. Anyways, what is your favorite hat on the Catalog?

PhireFox: Does it have to be recent? Because honestly the classic fedora will forever be my favorite item on the catalog.

Elastic: What about your favorite gear?
PhireFox: The classic sword gear from when gears first came out! It was so cool back in the day.

Elastic: Have you ever tried making games?

PhireFox: LOL. I can’t script if it life depended on it. The best I could do is make a generic sword fighting game.

Elastic: Okay, shameless self-advertisement time. I am making a game with a few friends so you should go join my main group. :)

PhireFox: Haha, once I get space I will. Currently at the max amount of groups I can join.

Elastic: Would you be willing to follow me on Twitter for 20 Robux… is what I would ask if you weren’t following me already.

PhireFox: LOL. I’m pretty generous with follows, I like interacting with fans and people like that and twitter is the easiest way.

Elastic: Can you please not follow Animal so I can have something to brag about since he normally gets all the follows :3

PhireFox: Sorry, but I am a fair person! No bragging rights.

PhireFox: LOL.

Elastic: That’s how I feel every time someone follows Animal and not me :(

PhireFox: It’s a sad world we live in, I know - I know.

Elastic: How much would a friend request on ROBLOX cost?

PhireFox: Too much for someone to afford! I need to save my slots :-(

Elastic: I think it’s about time to wrap it up. Do you have anything else you would like to add?

PhireFox: Hm, well I have no clue what else to say but I’ve never been a good conversation starter LOL.

Elastic: OK. Well, if you want to keep talking there is always Twitter. See ya.