Sunday, July 19, 2015

Interview With NobleDragon


Animal: Welcome!

ND: Hello

Animal: It's so great to have you. Since we started I've always wanted to have you for an interview.

ND: the honor is mine. Happy to be here.

Animal: So what do you do on Roblox?

ND: I am the token Dragon of the company any company worth anything has an awesome dragon. Other then that I am on the developer team currently looking into how to use ROBLOX as an educational product.

Animal: That sounds cool. How's it coming so far?

ND: Awesome! Totally teaching kids how to make games! UristMcSparks is helping me and we are killing it.

Animal: What else do you have planned?

ND: It is classified. But just know it is cool. Cause I am working on it.

Animal: Great. So to more basic questions, what is your favorite gear in the catalog?

ND: NobleDragon’s Noble Dragon of course. Brighteyes made it for me!

Animal: Sometimes I like to think any hat with animal in it is mine :P


Animal: What's your favorite hat?

ND: To many to list here. There are a bunch that I just love.

Animal: There are a lot of hats. When did you join Roblox?

ND: 2010 February

Animal: I joined 11/8/2011. I memorized it. Actually I really didn't. I just know because I joined one day before Azure Pinstripe Fedora was released. What's your favorite game?

ND: Such loaded questions. Again I have a lot. AR, Death Run, Speed Run, phantom forces, Miners heaven, Angels 15, plus a hundred others I don’t have time to type.

Animal: What's it like being on The Next Level?

ND: Scary at first but now I love it. I get to have some crazy amounts of fun on the show. And people love to see the Silly things Jack and I say.

Animal: The shout outs are great too. I remember once you gave me a shout out. A while ago. Hmm, what other questions. What's it like working at Roblox?

ND: Fast paced and intense but I love it. There are millions of people out there playing ROBLOX and they all expect the best from us.

Animal: How was RDC?

ND: Words can not describe. Putting 75 of the smartest people I have ever met in one room is a feeling you not soon forget. Everyone got along smashingly and it was an incredible event. Both of them!

Animal: I remember seeing you tweet that. So, going to any upcoming makerfaires?

ND: Detroit is in a week and a half. Then New York, Portland and one other is in September.

Animal: I might be going to the New York one. First makerfaire for me. Any advice?

ND: Be ready to have fun!

Animal: Back to more basic questions. What's your favorite color?

ND: Pink and Blues that are close to a dark purple.

Animal: Hmm. I'll ask more questions that you probably get all the time from messages or in games. Will you don8 pl0x?

ND: I will only donate if you donate first and it will only be 10% of the original donated amount after the market fee.

Animal: At least he said yes. Will you friend me pl0x?

ND: Sorry With the limit on Friends I no longer accept all requests.

Animal: Okay. But if you change your mind, my username is AnimalBot99 and my user ID is 21469330. Hmm. Will you join The Roblox Archives? You get this cool rank called Stars. Nexx, InceptionTime, Gordonrox24 and some others joined.

ND: I will think about it.

Animal: Is that the nice way of saying no? Ha. Anyways, what other questions are there. Hmmmm. What's your favorite animal?

ND: Dragon Duh?  Other than that maybe Wolves.

Animal: Will you give me a shout out on TNL? :P

ND: I only shout out people who say something funny in chat and I see it. Got to earn it

Animal: Hmm. Looks like I can go work on my jokes. Anyways, are you looking forward to TNL tomorrow?

ND: Always!

Animal: Whenever I miss one I feel like I (thinking of joke :P)

ND: Does anyone smell smoke?

Animal: Oh no, you must be the joke master. How much does it cost to take lessons? I can give you 5 Tix.

ND: You can  not teach this level of troll. You are born with it and you must continually develop it all your life.

Animal: Words of wisdom?

ND: Something like that….

Animal: But I am just an animal. Which is a troll since it's an animal. I think :P

ND: That is some kind of logic…. Not the right kind I think but some kind.

Animal: At least I can say I interviewed many famous Robloxians? Still not noticed yet. But getting there slowly. Anyways, anything you want to say?

ND: Remember Life is beautiful so enjoy it and never eat yellow snow.

Animal: But yellow is my favorite color. My character is wearing all yellow.

ND: Well My words stand true

Animal: I think that's it. Oh wait. Pl0x stay following me on Twitter :(

ND: Peace out *Drops mic and walks away*