Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Interview With helpfuljordan3150

INTERVIEW WITH helpfuljordan3150

Animal: Welcome!

Jordan: Hi ^.^

Animal: How are you today?

Jordan: I’m doing fine, and you?

Animal: Great, since I got another interview. It’s been awhile since the last one. So, tell us what you do on Roblox.

Jordan: I’m not “famous” or anything of the sort, but I usually hang around the forums, build some games, and occasionally make some YouTube videos not strictly tailored to ROBLOX.

Animal: Sounds cool. I know how you feel without being famous, as matter famous people as I interview it doesn’t make me more noticed for some reason. Anyways, what’s your favorite Roblox hat on the catalog?

Jordan: That’s a tough one :P My favorite hat on ROBLOX that I do not own, sadly enough is the Domino Crown.

Animal: Fortunately I own my favorite hat. Which would be Yellow Banded Top Hat. What’s your favorite gear?

Jordan: Hmm, also a tough one… It’s a free gear that comes with OBC called the “Midas Glove”. I’m sure you’ve heard of it, but the reason behind that is because I can give everyone high fives. :P

Animal: I’ve heard of it. I even once geared myself it. One of the blocks that come out got stuck in someone’s neck and they got flung everywhere. Very deadly gear, if you know how to use its blocks as death. Next question! Who’s your favorite Roblox developer(s)?

Jordan: My absolute favorite developer on ROBLOX is Clonetrooper1019, he’s such a cool dude :D. He also makes some really neat scripts.

Animal: He has a whole different side on Twitter. Hmmm. Whats your favorite Roblox game so far?

Jordan: Yes, that’s true he is a very different person on Twitter, but I think he’s just more open there, as he cannot be on ROBLOX. Expressing feelings/cursing and such. My favorite game on ROBLOX is Terror Town by Hunte922, a unoriginal game, but done so very well. I do go from different games, as I can’t just choose that one to play, a recent game came out called “Mirror’s Edge: Shadows of November” It’s also really fun.

Animal: Lately I have been jumping from Bunny Islands, Work at a Pizza Play, Natural Disaster Survival and whatever other games I like. I never really play anything new. Except for Bunny Island which is still a little new. What’s your favorite color?

Jordan: My favorite color is Red (:

Animal: If you saw my character on Roblox you’d clearly see it’s yellow. Three yellow hats and a yellow shirt. Now where do I get a yellow face? What’s your favorite Roblox update so far and would you suggest any new ones?

Jordan: Your look is so unique! It’s a really cool one ^.^. If I had to choose one update in particular it’d have to be Dynamic Lighting, it really changed the way ROBLOX looked at the time and gave ROBLOX a whole new experience. I’ve been wanting an update for quite a while, once in which you can search through your inventory for hats, gears, faces, T-Shirts, etc.

Animal: There’s an extension for that. I used to have it, it’s very great. Even though I only have 8 pages of hats it still helps to find them. For the dynamic lighting, I remember back before it was out. Games got so much better. Now I can’t stand not having dynamic shadows on either. Gives the game a really nice look.

Jordan: Well, with me having 22 pages of hats, it’s really hard for me to find one that I want to wear. Same goes with shirts and other things. Yeah, dynamic lighting is super cool! I love it (: I didn’t know there was an extension for that. I’ll have to check it out some time.

Animal: I always try not to buy too much stuff. But I always end up buying something. What’s your favorite material?

Jordan: I too said the same thing when I made helpfuljordan3150. I ended up buying too many though :P This isn’t my first account. I used to share one with my brother. The account was named Tommy02, but unfortunately my brother changed the password then didn’t play for a couple years and ended up forgetting it himself.

Animal: So, how’s it like to be a moderator in PhireFox’s group?

Jordan: It’s an experience, I do have to say. Being friends with Phire is really cool. He’s a role model to me, pretty much. So being a moderator in his group is really exciting (:

Animal: I really hope he enters the Bloxy Awards. I bet he has what it takes to win.

Jordan: I too believe so, if I’m not mistaken he won in 2013 or 2014? He was so happy :P He does have the potential, i’m just afraid he doesn’t really enjoy making videos anymore.

Animal: I remember on one of his videos he said that he does like to make the videos, it’s just the subscribers he doesn’t care about. He finds joy in making the videos and if he didn’t then he wouldn’t be making them.

Jordan: Which is totally understandable. With my few subscribers, I don’t really care about them either. It sounds rude when I put it like that, but I basically just make videos because they really are fun to do. I see my “subscribers” as individuals and not just as numbers.

Animal: I wouldn’t say I really do anything interesting on Roblox. Some might argue that me being able to interview all these great famous Robloxians would be interested but really I think of it just like something to do on the side of something bigger. Only I don’t do anything else.

Jordan: Well, someone DOES have to do it. You’re really good at it too. :D. You deserve more attention, because you get straight to the point and are such a nice person in general.

Animal: I do try and act nice towards people. The problem with becoming famous on Roblox from interviewing people is that people don’t want to read this much. Roblox has a lot of kids which may find reading all of this boring but to an older person it may seem nice to get to know their favorite developer/admin/YouTuber/whoever we’re interviewing.

Jordan: I do find it interesting to read myself, while I am young I seem to be the only one in my class that likes to read :P I do find it nice to get to know these people and getting to know anyone on ROBLOX is really neat to me.

Animal: The one problem I face is that if I don’t get The ROBLOX Archives known sooner or later some other bigger group may come along with this idea and get noticed before us. I saw RoGo has had an interview. But it was very short. Right now I have nothing to fear.

Jordan: Competition? Hmm, well maybe they mean no harm. My personal opinion would be maybe you guys could somehow “Team up”? Maybe interview each other haha.

Animal: Maybe. I once asked Lion2323, who owns RoGo, if he wanted an interview. I was going to interview him on Blox Hunt though. And like 85% of everyone I ask, no reply. The other problem I face is that I get no replies from lots of people because they don’t know who I am. And with the community of today you can’t trust someone with something as strange as asking them if they want an interview.

Jordan: That’s very true. The community these days are a bit shady, asking a stranger on ROBLOX for an interview can come off as a bit weird to them, especially if they’re not famous as I am not famous either :P To be honest, I was a bit surprised when you accepted me for one.

Animal: I’ve also tried to get the interviews more so on Roblox since a lot of people may not have a Twitter. I already put one on the Roblox forums which was hard because the layout was messed up and I had to shorten one other until I had to make it into two parts or just not put it at all.

Jordan: Yeah, that’s something that bothers me about the forums/twitter. I’m not sure if I read that the right way, but you can only type a certain amount of characters on a post?

Animal: Apparently so. Then again I did try to put like a 4 page Google Doc on the Roblox form. I don’t know why I thought it’d work. That day I found out that this wasn’t going to work. Plus, I am not known on the forums. I only forumed like 9 times.

Jordan: Foruming is an interesting thing to do on ROBLOX, there can be a lot of mean people, but at the same time some really cool people. I’m not well known on the forums either, I only have about 200 posts max.

Animal: I always think that my join date makes up for my forum posts. 11/8/2011 is a good enough join date, right?

Jordan: Join dates have never really meant anything much to me, if you’re a nice person I’ll accept you ^.^, but yes that is a good join date. You’ve been around the site for quite some time. My join date makes others wonder how I know some things :P

Animal: We want way off topic. But it was great to talk about the group and other situations. Hmmm. What’s your favorite animal?

Jordan: My favorite animal are Tigers. Such ferocious animals :P They interest me a lot, as well as Sharks do too.

Animal: My favorite animal would have to be a panda. How long were you a noob for?

Jordan: I was a noob for quite some time :P I didn’t fully understand the concept of ROBLOX or what I was supposed to be doing until 2013. I just tried to play with friends. It was the only way I had to talk to friends online without having a Facebook.

Animal: It was nice having you for an interview.

Jordan: Thank you so much for having me! (: Such an honour!