Friday, June 19, 2015

Game Review: Don't Blink

   Don’t Blink

Very interesting game. One minute you're in a room with a ton of people the lights start to flash your the last person alive and standing in front of you is your worst fear, the Angel. This game is based off of the British Television show, Dr. Who. This game keeps you on your toe’s and will scare you if you like to be scared.


As the name tells you if you blink the Angel can than come and kill you. If you turn your back the Angel can kill you. So keep your eyes open for the Angels and DON’T BLINK WHEN THEIR AROUND.

Make your angel look fashionable. Give you amazing looking hair and nice wings! When you're the Angel you try to kill as many people as you can before times up or you lose all your energy. But beware you can die from looking at the other angels that are around! And watch out for the doctor cause he can come and kill you.


As a Survivor you try to find the angel and when you do go find the doctor and kill the Angel so that your safe! If you're the doctor kill the Angels. If you kill all the Angels you and the survivor will win but if you die a new doctor gets picked and they will try to kill all the Angels! If you're the angel you can make the survivors lights flash on and off and then strike at them and kill them for more time and energy.