Monday, June 1, 2015

Interview With Buddy!

Animal: Hello!

Buddy: Hello.

Animal: So, tell us what you do on Roblox.

Buddy: I develop games as a hobby and I also work for Roblox on the Games team as a contractor.

Animal: That sounds nice. So you are one of the many people that makes up the Games account?

Buddy: I haven’t used that account yet and I think it’s only used for event based games.

Animal: Yea, I’m pretty sure that’s the only use. I’m wondering if Roblox is going to make a game for that Jurassic Park sponsor. They already made a 1 tix rideable dinosaur.

Buddy: I don’t think we’re going to make a game. As far as I know, we’re very busy working on some cool features for everyone!

Animal: Awesome, I like cool features! Ha. We’ve interviewed many other admins, it’s great that each one works on something different. So off of what you work on on Roblox, what is your favorite hat in the catalog?

Buddy: My favorite hat is the Crazy Game Dev Hair. It looks exactly like my hair in real life.

Animal: Wasn’t it made for Defaultio (I think it’s spelt.) since he’s going to be an intern this year?

Buddy: It certainly is for Defaultio, but it’s not because he’s now an intern; it’s because he just has cool hair. It just happens that I have the same hair style!

Animal: I wonder what other intern hats/gears there will be. There’s a lot of game based hats in the catalog. So, what is your favorite gear?

Buddy: My favorite gear is the Windforce. I was one of the original owners of it, but I sold it for the Robux.

Animal: Robux is great, too bad I’m always low on it. How do you like Roblox sales? Are you the type of person that tries to saves or likes to spend your Robux on everything?

Buddy: I never spend my Robux unless it’s on something I really want. I usually just save up to DevEx.

Animal: Wow, I didn’t know Roblox workers could use DevEx.

Buddy: I’m a contractor so it’s a little different.

Animal: What’s your favorite Roblox game?

Buddy: That’s a tough one! I could think of a few but my favorite of all time would have to be, Armored Patrol by Wingman8.

Animal: That game is great. Wingman8 makes some great games. Hmm, just had a question in mind but forgot it… What is your favorite package?

Buddy: My favorite package is the Gunslinger. I like the style of it and I just like how it looks with the type of style that I use.

Animal: When did you join Roblox?

Buddy: I made my first account in 2008, but only played for a week or so. I eventually came back in 2009 and have stayed ever since.

Animal: Since you’re part of the games team does that mean you also get to work on the games page view? Not the list of all the games but just the one games page.

Buddy: No, that would be the web teams job. My team works on thing such as the CoreGui, CoreScripts, and other things such as events. We are responsible for the new topbar and the new PlayerScripts that were added last week.

Animal: Did you help make smooth terrain?

Buddy: No.

Animal: Well, just now, Roblox on Twitter (Doesn’t Jack run that?) retweeted this.

Buddy: That’s awesome! I love it when Roblox gets attention from the media.

Animal: Do you have any upcoming games you’d like to share? Or are they all top secret?

Buddy: Most of them are top secret, but I have one that I will be starting on soon. I don’t want to go into it much though.

Animal: We need something to talk about instead of going back and forth with questions. Hmm. What updates are coming to games?

Buddy: I’m not allowed to talk about future updates. Sorry.

Animal: Hmm… Do you have anything to say to start a conversation?

Buddy: Sure. I was actually wondering if you developed anything cool recently.

Animal: Well, the sad thing is is that while I have a computer it’s too old to run Roblox. Instead I use a phone, which means no Roblox Studio. But I used to build a little, nothing front page material. Probably not even good enough to keep more than 3 people staying there. But I like to think of the computer not working as a positive, even though I still wish I could be building lots of things using Roblox. It gave me the idea of interviewing people like I am doing today.

Buddy: That’s awesome but sad at the same time. Hopefully in the future you can get into the development groove and get a popular game! I think it’s also awesome that you interview people.

Animal: Me and LordElastic co-own it. We have a whole group made. Hey, speaking of it, if you join you get this “Star” rank. We already got Nexx, InceptionTime, ArceusInator, JackInTheBlox, Gordonrox24, Boring, TheInnovative and CodeWrighter!

Buddy: I would be glad to join!

Animal: Now I just need to find someone that works with the web team to tell them about the group page errors.

Buddy: We have someone working on those. They will hopefully be fixed shortly!

Animal: Maybe it’s fixed already. Anyways, back on topic, who is your favorite game developer on Roblox?

Buddy: My favorite game developer would be my friend, Garnold. He created the game Survival:Apocalypse way back in 2010 and it was an instant classic. We inspire each other whenever we both work on games together and it’s just a pleasure working with him overall.

Animal: We always ask our two favorite questions that anyone famous would get. So, here is the first one. w!ll u don8 pl0x?

Buddy: Haha, no. If I did, I would have to give it to everyone who asked, which wouldn’t be fair.

Animal: Next one! w!ll u fwend me on Roblox pl0x

Buddy: I accept friend requests from people I know pretty well, so sure!

Animal: I’ll fit one more in! w!ll u follow me on twitter for 4 Tix and 1 Robux

Buddy: I don’t usually follow people on Twitter, but we’ll see.

Animal: Hm. What other questions are there… what do you do on Roblox when you aren’t working on the games team?

Buddy: Hanging out with friends and working on my own projects. I don’t really do much outside of work. Haha.

Animal: It’s so great to have another Roblox Admin to interview. Really goes to show you can accomplish a lot without being well known or famous. We once got Merely & Quenty for an interview.

Buddy: I’m not technically an admin. I work as a contractor like Merely. We don’t work at the HQ, but from home because we’re in college. Also that’s awesome that you got Merely & Quenty in on this. You’re going places man!

Animal: I just hope one day we get more people in the group and to read these. Maybe I can try and get Jack to publish an article about us, ha.

Buddy: Hey, who knows. That would be great though.

Animal: Yep. So, what do you think, should we be ending this soon?

Buddy: Depends on if you have anything else to talk about.

Animal: Hmm. What do you have planned in the future on Roblox? Your own Roblox goals pretty much.

Buddy: I plan to create my next game and get it to the front page. It’s definitely doable in the very near future and I know I can accomplish it. You’ll just have to keep an eye out for my name!

Animal: Well I say this to everyone we interview, we may just have to call you back again for another interview! I wonder how TheInnovative’s Last Man Standing game is doing.

Buddy: I’ve never played his game before. I should go check it out.

Animal: I would play it if it didn’t cost Robux. I already spent R$25 on a game and thought it was something else. I forgot to read the description, that was my fault.

Buddy: You should definitely play Phantom Forces. I’m part of the team, Stylis Studios who developed it. It’s worth the hefty price.

Animal: I’m great with spending Robux but bad with bringing Robux in. I’ll have to think about it. So, how long have you been making games?

Buddy: I’ve been making games since 2010. I was very innovative with my games as I created a so called, “hub” place where you could teleport to many others. It was quite flawed because Roblox was so limited back then, but it was a great accomplishment at the time.

Animal: Well, I think we can keep on talking but the readers probably wouldn’t keep reading. We’ll have to talk more one day!

Buddy: That sounds great. I had a wonderful time with this interview.

Animal: Tell your friends, we are always looking for more famous developers, admins, and just anyone that does something interesting to interview!

Buddy: A great resource of developers and admins is the Roblox teamspeak. Our address is You could come and voicechat/textchat with us and learn more about developers and admins.

Animal: Sounds great! Well, thanks for your time!

Buddy: No problem, thank you for having me!

This has been an interview with buddy249950! Also you can follow him on Twitter @CzarBuddy

Interview made possible by The ROBLOX Archives!