Saturday, May 30, 2015

Interview With xGoogle


Animal: Welcome!

Google: Thank you very much for having me!

Animal: Have you read any of our other interviews to get the hang of how this will go?

Google: No, but I am planning on looking at some.

Animal: Great to hear! Anyways, let's start with the questions! What do you do on Roblox?

Google: I used to like to make games, but then I got bored of that and moved on to rendering roblox characters in a program called Cinema 4D.

Animal: Sounds good. Anyways, I saw that you sometimes make pictures. (Not sure what it's really called)

Google: Yeah, I kinda make the pictures as a side hobby, because i’ll get bored over time and that keeps me busy.

Animal: Great to know. My side hobby is interviewing people. So, anything else you want to say?

Google: I don’t have much to say, but stay tuned because smooth terrain just came out and you should expect some nice showcases from me.

Animal: Sounds nice! Don't worry, this interview isn't near the end. We've filled up two pages with other interviews, all depends on how bored we are. Ha. Anyways, what is your favorite hat on the Roblox Catalog?

Google: Hmm, thats a hard one, but i would say it's Sir Rich McMoneyston, III Disguise

Animal: That is a nice hat. And a very expensive one. On to more questions! What is your favorite Roblox gear?

Google: I think it would be the Historic 'Timmy' Gun, even though I don’t own it, it would be nice to have.

Animal: When did you join Roblox?

Google: I joined on August 25th, 2009.

Animal: I joined in 2011. I forget the date. The day before Azure Pinstripe Fedora was released. So, to the next questions, this one is our most popular one! W!ll u don8 pl0x?

Google: I ARE R3P0RT U TO H4K3R N00B P0L1CE!!one!1

Animal: 0h nu n0t the n00b p0l!c3! Um, I think we lost track.

TO THE NEXT QUESTION! What is your favorite Roblox game?

Google: Right now, I don’t really have any favorite games, but if i had to choose i would pick Twisted Murder.

Animal: Sounds great! Hmm, I'm running out of random questions. Who is your favorite Roblox Admin?

Google: Gordonrox24, I wish him and I could become friends on roblox one of these days.

Animal: We interviewed him. I also got followed by him and a friend request by him. Hm, what is your favorite TV show?

Google: Lucky! And, I would say my favorite TV show is The Simpsons.

Animal: Hey, mine too. And Gordon says he watched some of it. One day all three of us will just have to gather and have a talk about it. One day…

Google: Nice, I would enjoy that!

Animal: Ha. So, back to more questions, who is your favorite game developer?

Google:TigerCaptain and CloneTrooper1019.

Animal: Two people we didn't interview! What are the odds.

Google: *X-Files theme song intensifies*

Animal: Anything you want to say now?

Google: I can’t really think of anything really.

Animal: Neither can I but I'm the one doing the interview. What a great  interviewer I am. Anyways, I'll try and make up a question, what is your favorite banded top hat?

Google: Red Banded Top Hat for sure.

Animal: They never say yellow... What is your favorite face?

Google: The good ole’ classic Roblox Smile.

Animal: The old default face that David Baszucki(I think that's how it's spelt?) made in 40 seconds?

Google: Yep!

Animal: I liked it too until he said it only took 40 seconds to make and then I saw all the mistakes and inaccuracy on it.

Google: Oh, I never even knew that. Thats actually pretty interesting.

Animal: Yep. What is your favorite wings hat? Like Gilded Wings of Glory, Sparkling Angel Wings, etc.

Google: I like the Black Wings.

Animal: What is your favorite Roblox update?

Google: Smooth terrain!

Animal: What is your favorite color?

Google: Red.

Animal: What is your favorite animal?

Google: Cat.

Animal: What is your favorite font?

Google: Big Noodle Tilting.

Animal: What is your favorite method of scamming? (I am low on ideas :P)

Google: Wat?

Animal: What is your favorite type of car?

Google: Porche.

Animal: I think this is a good spot to end this. Thanks for coming!

Google: Well, thank you for having me, it's been a great interview with you, i’ll hope to see you soon!

This has been an interview with xGoogle! Why not go follow him on Twitter? His Twitter is @Google_RBLX. Also join The ROBLOX Archives for more interviews!