Thursday, May 21, 2015

Interview With CodeWrighter

Animal: Welcome!

CodeWrighter: Hi. :) Thanks for having me.

Animal: Well, it was great to find you in the server! Anyways, want to tell us about what you do on Roblox?

CodeWrighter: Well, as you may be able to tell by my username, I’m a code “wrighter”. I spend my time developing games on ROBLOX 90% of the time as well as building models for others to use with their games / creations.

Animal: Sounds great! Are you noticed by the community a lot?

CodeWrighter: It depends. Back in November while I had the #1 Top Paid game for the majority of the month, I was noticed by the community quite often. However, since I haven’t pushed out much content lately, I am noticed by some, but not by all. Fortunately, I think with my new content I plan on pushing out that’ll all change.

Animal: So do you have any front page games since you said you like to write code a lot?

CodeWrighter: Yes, I’ve had front page games in the past. At the moment, I don’t have any that are front page, but I plan on pushing a lot of good content out in the summer, so I think you’ll be seeing my name a lot more on Front Page.

Animal: What is your most famous game so far?

CodeWrighter: Heh.. Funny you should ask that. My most famous game actually was a joke that people took seriously and went on to make me 500KR$+ in 2 weeks. The name, “5 Nights at Chuck E. Cheese’s” during the first transition was a joke about 5NaF. Prior to being changed to 5 Nights at Chuck E. Cheese’s, it was just a roleplay Chuck E. Cheese’s game that players seemed to enjoy. If you were to search the game today, it’d be under the name “5 Shifts at Ratt E. Bloxx’s” to prevent copyright issues from arising.

Animal: Well, there’s enough copyright issues on Roblox with everyone making those 5NaF and other stuff. Anyways, off the topic of games and on to a random question, what is your most famous hat on the Roblox catalog?

CodeWrighter: I usually don’t go out of my way to buy many hats especially not limiteds, but a couple years back when I was into buying limiteds I bought the American Commando for 10,000R$ which I would assume is my most famous hat in terms of worth. I’ve got several limiteds though as a whole, but I sold quite a few as I don’t prefer to trade items on ROBLOX much anymore.

Animal: I heard your username from somewhere but I just can’t think of where… do you make models?

CodeWrighter: Yes, I happen to be one of the few Official Model Makers on ROBLOX. I don’t just make models, I make THE models. Haha.

Animal: Wow, what kind of models do you make?

CodeWrighter: The models I make range from project to project. However, I prefer to build buildings. An endorsed asset of mine is a go kart I made for users involved in Ro-Racing across ROBLOX which has been used by many. My best work would have to be my realistic trailer, double-wide trailer, office building, Chuck E. Cheese’s, and the such. I tend to build things on the realistic side.

Animal: How many models have you sold? Or how many you think you have sold?

CodeWrighter: In total I’ve sold thousands of models. Some of my most popular models include a couple race tracks I made years ago. Those have around 300+ takes each. Although, since users can take models in ROBLOX Studio without them going towards the total count in which a model was taken, it’s really impossible to track the total number of takes.

Animal: How often do you see people using your models?

CodeWrighter: I see people use my models daily which makes me feel good that I’m helping people out. When I publish models, I publish them, so people can increase the quality of their game(s). Recently I noticed a game which happened to be on Front Page using go karts I made by user Tycooons. That made me feel pretty good knowing I was helping someone out.

Animal: That sounds nice. It’s always great to see someone helping the community. I try to but I end up failing :P Anyways, I’m running out of things to say already. Do you have anything to say?

CodeWrighter For those of you reading, don’t forget to bring your wallets when you play my games. :) Ha, kidding. I really do enjoy hearing from people and I’ll be at RDC East most likely in June, so if anyone is going there I look forward to seeing them. Keep Calm and Play ROBLOX.

Animal: I might be going to the NY Makerfaire. I bet no one will know who I am.

CodeWrighter: If you continue at the rate you’re going with these interviews, I can guarantee you people will notice you. :)

Animal: I was thinking the same thing three people ago :P How many people has it been that we interviewed?

CodeWrighter: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Interjection By Elastic: We have done 14 (Including this one). Sorry for the interruption.

Animal: Maybe when I go to the Makerfaire I can spread word of The ROBLOX Archives. Anyways, since we already had Elastic come in, do you have anything to say?

Elastic: I think that if we do enough of these, at least the people we interviewed and their fans if they spread the words would recognize your username, but we aren’t big enough yet to be common among the ROBLOX community. You wouldn’t go up to some random ROBLOXian and ask if they read the ROBLOX Archives and expect a yes.

Animal: We aren’t supposed to be doing that? No wonder why we lost so many people to interview.

CodeWrighter: Speaking from experience, the best way to get your name out there is to put your name on everything you possibly can. Sooner or later people will begin to notice you. Whenever I create a script or model, I make sure to put my name on it that way if anyone is wondering who they should contact about it, they can easily find my username.

Animal: You mean to do stuff like: “FOLLOW ANIMALBOT99 ON ROBLOX! HIS PLAYER ID IS 21469330 IF YOU PUT IT INTO THE URL BAR!”

CodeWrighter: Nope, that’s too obstructive. I just put; -- CodeWrighter in the desc. or top of the script whenever I make it. If you were to do that, people will think you’re starving for attention which is not the type of reputation you want.

Animal: Uh-oh. I better change the ways of how I do stuff. But I still keep credit for our interviews >:D

CodeWrighter: Nothing wrong with having credits with it, but making something like that might turn some heads in the opposite direction.

Animal: Any other words of advice for us on our interviewing career?

CodeWrighter: Having owned my own news reporting group on ROBLOX, I would advise you to keep accurate records and dates of the interviews. This helps easily find what you want by date and looking back, you’ll be able to see what you did in the past VS present.

Animal: Wow, sounds great. Now I don’t feel like I should be asking our most favorited questions :P

Elastic: We do have a system to store all of our interviews and it is right here.

CodeWrighter: Yes, that’s a good thing to have, but I would advise putting it at the top of the interview.

Elastic: Google Docs does that for us :) and so does the Blog :) Just TRY to get past my setup.Image result for get rekt

Animal: Any last words before we end this?

CodeWrighter: I would like to thank those who support and have supported me throughout my career so far as a ROBLOX developer. Although I’m more or less on the lesser-known scale currently, I believe that will all change before too long. I’ve helped many of the higher-up devs, but now I’m doing my own thing attempting to shine through on ROBLOX. I love the ROBLOX platform and I’m glad to have the fans I do have. Thanks for having me. :D

This has been an interview with CodeWrighter! Join the Roblox Archives for many more interviews to come!