Sunday, May 17, 2015

Interview With Gordonrox24!!

Animal: Hi. Welcome to the Roblox Archives interview! So, want to tell us about what you do on Roblox?

Gordon: Hi! Thanks for having me! Currently, I work on the ROBLOX Community Engagement Team. So, we spend a lot of time on the forums reading what everybody is saying, and trying to post about as many topics as we can. I have also spent some time working with the ROBLOX Wiki writers to make sure everything is going smoothly.

Animal: Wow, typing so much. Almost like right now :P Anyways, when did you first join Roblox?

Gordon: A long time ago in a galaxy far away, right around January 2008. I had seen some ROBLOX gameplay and decided I wanted to check it out, and I’ve been here ever since!

Animal: I think I joined before JackInTheBlox. I forget his join date though. I joined 2011. And how I remember the date is: I joined one day before the Azure Pinstripe Fedora was released.

Gordon: Wow, I don’t think I could remember when items came out. I’m not good with dates :P

Animal: Do you have a favorite Roblox game?

Gordon: That is a very tough question. I don’t think I have a single favorite game. I usually go in cycles, so for two weeks I’ll play nothing but one game, and then I’ll move on to something else. I’ve always been a big fan of Shedletsky’s classic Sword Fight on the Heights Original, however the game I’ve spent the most time in is probably Super Check Point! by Magic277.

Animal: You retweet and talk a lot about racing, are you a big fan?

Gordon: Yup! I try to make sure my retweets don’t become spammy, but sometimes I get a little bit too excited haha. My ROBLOX username is actually based on Jeff Gordon, a NASCAR racer.

Animal: The only thing I watch really is The Simpsons.

Gordon: haha The Simpsons is great, I’ve always been a fan of Smithers and Spider Pig.

Animal: We’ll have to find time some other day to talk more about The Simpsons :P Anyways, were you a Roblox Admin since the first day you joined? Or did you play a while before you got the job?

Gordon: When I joined I was just a normal user and I spent most of my time playing games like MikeD’s Ultimate Paintball CTF. I started to get into posting on the forums, and I got along pretty well with a bunch of the forum moderators. Eventually, they invited me to come and work on their team as a volunteer, and then eventually as a full staff member.

Animal: I’m guessing that was when there wasn’t as many players? Probably now you wouldn’t just get a job from forming.

Gordon: There definitely were fewer users, and you are right it probably wouldn’t happen that way today. However, we still do have cases of normal users coming to work for us, Merely and Seranok are good examples, as well as StickMasterLuke, and folks like Nexx. Most of those folks had experience making games on ROBLOX, which helped them get a job. It’s pretty neat.

Animal: So that means we interviewed a lot more Roblox employees since Nexx and Merely got a job. Who knew you could get so many famous people for an interview?

Gordon: Maybe one day we can convince NobleDragon to do an interview and talk about his pet dragons.

Animal: I was really hoping for NobleDragon to be on this but he said he didn’t have time. I hope he changed his mind, Noble is like the top person I was looking forward to to interviewing. Well, anyone is really great to have interviewed!

Gordon: He is a super busy guy, but maybe one day! You may have to bribe him with coffee.

Animal: Haha. Anyways, what do you have planned for the coming months on Roblox?

Gordon: Personally, I’ve got a few cool milestones coming up that I really want to hit. I’m closing in on 15,000 place visits, and I’m getting really close to hitting 20K Knockouts, so I really want those to happen soon! In terms of my work, we’re focused on finding more ways to engage with as many people as possible. A good way to do that is by doing interviews like this! I also want to try my hand at the world of clans, and see if I can’t participate in a bunch of groups to see how they work. It should be fun!

Animal: I have a group. It has fans of The ROBLOX Archives too! Also you get this “Star” rank.

Gordon: Awesome, I’ll have to go join that!

Animal: Also, you brought up a great question I had. Remember when the new place visits update came out, like months ago? When it only counted ACTIVE places? What was the point of that?

Gordon: That was quite a while ago, and I actually don’t quite remember why that change had to be done. If I’m not mistaken, there was an issue with how the server counted visits, and the solution was to simply make it only could active places. I do think the intention is for us to eventually count all visits again someday, but I don’t know when that will happen.

Animal: Okay, happy I got that question answered. We asked this question to Jack and he had a great answer, I want to see if you can add on to it……. -Suspense-

What is the best way to get

Gordon: Haha that’s a good question. It’s a tricky one, because there isn’t any set criteria. The key I think is to find small bugs. When there is a big bug or glitch, lots of people will see it, and chances are we’re already aware of it so reporting it to us doesn’t really help. If it is a small bug, there is a chance that maybe we’ve not seen it yet, and you may win yourself an award. Nothing is guaranteed though, and it is probably also a lot about luck.

Animal: So from the description it says “..or a gift from a Roblox Admin” is that just when you report it? Like, no Admin is just going to randomly give it to you because you helped them, took time out of your day to have an interview with them, etc :P

Gordon: Yeah, you could consider your reward for the bug report as a sort of gift I guess. There are actually only a few admins on ROBLOX who can give away hats. I can’t give away hats, but if somebody was very helpful to me, I could recommend that they get something, but I could never guarantee an award. The RBTH is pretty rare, and it is probably going to stay that way, I think.

Animal: I’ll always have my Yellow Banded Top Hat. I was sad when I saw it got to 600+ sales.

Gordon: I’ve got the Green Banded Top Hat, and I use it in my second favorite outfit. Top hats are definitely some of my favorites.

Animal: So, I think we can pretty much just keep talking endlessly :P How about we get to some of our basic questions that I am sure EVERYONE asks you! W!ll u don8 pl0x?

Gordon: Hah that’s a great question. If I could, I would! I’m currently saving up to buy myself a Black Valk. It is going to take a long time, and I’m probably never going to get there, but I really want to complete my collection. If I donated to everybody, I’d definitely never make it!

Animal: Next question! This one is my favorite! W!ll u friend me on Roblox 4 5 Tix and 4 Robux? its my life savings

Gordon: My friends list is a very exclusive list of people… Not really though. I usually accept friend requests from either people I play games with a lot, or people I see generally being helpful around the site. I even send friend requests once and a while. Maybe I’ll send one to you!

Animal: My username is AnimalBot99 and my user ID is 21469330. Yes, I memorized it, you never know when you may need it. :P

Gordon: Sounds like you’ve got a great memory!

Animal: What am I doing here? oh yea, the interview. :P Anyways, do you think this interview should be ending soon? I can keep typing for a long long long time.

Gordon: I’ll answer as many questions as you can ask! Looks like we’ve covered a lot of ground here today!

Animal: Do you work at the Roblox HQ?

Gordon: Nope, I work from my home office all the way in Canada! I do hope to eventually make a trip down to the HQ someday though.

Animal: Anyways, what is your favorite color?

Gordon: One glance at my ROBLOX character and you’ll see I’m a big fan of purple! My Agonizingly Ugly Bucket of Doom almost never leaves my head.

Animal: That’s the name of it? Quite some name. My favorite color is yellow. I always try and wear all yellow. I want that Bling Package since it’s yellow. It’d really match the color I am going for. But I don’t have 5k :P

Gordon: I usually rotate between a purple outfit, a red outfit, and a green outfit. One hat that I really want is the Void Star, I think it would look nice.

Animal: Are you looking forward to the sale coming up? Oh wait, you can’t spend any Robux, you are saving.

Gordon: I really like sales, and I usually end up spending some robux, however I’ve really got to remember to not spend too much!

Animal: I have barely any Robux to spend :P Anyways, next question! what is your favorite Roblox hat?

Gordon: My favorite hat has always been the Bucket of Doom, however some of my other favorites are The Crown of Warlords, the Bluesteel Viking Helm of Infinite Pillage, the original Bucket hat, and of course the Golden Teapot of Pwnage.

Animal: What is your favorite gear?

Gordon: The only gear that I wear normally is the Ban Hammer, because it’s really cool. However, I really like the Star Wars Rebels Chopper droid gear, as well as well as NobleDragon’s Noble Dragon.

Animal: Do you do anything else besides foruming all day?

Gordon: Currently, keeping an eye on the forum is our main focus, however we are focused on everything to do with the community. So, that means we get to spend a bunch of time playing games which is pretty great, and recently I’ve taken an interest to reading and posting on the ROBLOX subreddit. We try to participate in as much of the community as we can.

Animal: Sounds great! I’m sure you are great with typing and so on. I just came up with another great question! W!ll you b my friend 4ever? :P

Gordon: F is for friends who do stuff together, U is for you and me, N is for anywhere and anytime at all down here in the deep blue sea! I think I got those lyrics right… lol.

Animal: We should get a million views just from that. Want to end it here?

Gordon: Sounds good to me! We’ve covered a lot of topics here, and it’s been really fun. Thanks for having me!

Animal: Seems like we had a lot to talk about. I’ll have to invite you back one day, there is so much more we can talk about! Stay in touch with me on Twitter!