Saturday, May 16, 2015

Interview With Asimo3089!

Editor's Note: Some dialogue is out of place which might've happened when moving the original document to Blogger. As of now there is no intent to fix it so please bear in mind some spots may make absolutely no sense!

Animal: Hello.
Asimo: Howdy!
Animal: While we wait for Elastic we can just get some questions done. He'll just come and edit his way into this interview, ha. So, what are you famous for on Roblox?
Asimo: I’m probably best known for “The Wind” along with some older games. Showcases are the current thing I’m really interested in.
Elastic: I’m here, now, guys. It’s all OK.
Animal: I thought it was okay when you weren't here. I must of gotten the wrong message.
Asimo: Elastic to the rescue!
Animal: Hmm, I thought I was the more well-known person out of me and Elastic :P
Elastic: Okay, let’s start with some questions. What is your favorite game on ROBLOX?
Asimo: Ohhh boy. I honestly don’t play many games. If I had to choose one, I’m really enjoying The Climbing Game right now. There was also a really neat Driving Simulator game on the Popular sort recently. That one is also a lot of fun.
Animal: I have a great question because it's coming very soon and everyone is excited for it: Smooth terrain. What will you use smooth terrain for, if you will ever use it?
Asimo: I honestly don’t know if I’ll ever use it, at least not for Showcases. Maybe when I make a new Marble Rider or something but I think using terrain for showcases wouldn’t make too much sense. It should always be custom terrain. We’ll see what happens.
Animal: Moving on. To a random question! What is your favorite hat in the Roblox catalog?
Asimo: Probably the one I’m currently wearing, it’s the Timeless Top Hat that’s black and white. I’ll never give this hat up.

Elastic: What is your favorite Plugin?
Asimo: That’s a tough question, I like a lot of plugins for different reasons. I definitely wouldn’t be able to live without “qCmdUtl5” by “Quenty” though.
Elastic: Could you explain what that does? P.S. Quenty says he reads these so I think he’ll be pleased.
Asimo: It’s basically a well rounded plugin for Building. Precise rotations, sizings, and positioning. You can rotate entire models around specific points and all that. Just a nice upgrade compared to studio tools. Something I’d recommend to anybody.
Animal: How about we move to a famous question I am sure Asimo gets almost every day! w!ll u don8 pl0x?
Asimo: No :(
Elastic: Follow4Follow? ;)
Asimo: Maybe. Maybe not :(
Elastic: But my mom says my Tweets are cool D:
Asimo: I’m not your mom!
Elastic: Aaaannnnnyyyywwwaaaayyyssss… What is your favorite gear?
Asimo: The Epic Katana! It’s not actually found in the Catalog, but you’ve got to own every colored katana for it to show up. In game they combine and you get a really neat sword.
Animal: I think he is lying.
Asimo: I promise it’s real. ;o
Animal: I don't know, I've been here since 2011. Never heard one word about it.
Elastic: No, he’s telling the truth. Look it up.
Asimo: I..don’t really have one? I don’t keep up with the catalog at all :(
Animal: Well, there is red, green, purple, YELLOW,  and some other color. I think orange.
Asimo: Obviously green.
Animal: You made a very weak and powerless enemy today.
Elastic: Rhino, Panda, or Wolf?
Asimo: Definitely not Rhino.... Wolf?
Elastic: Another win for the Happy Wolf ;)
Animal: Hm... What is your most favorite game you developed?
Asimo: I’m really, really, proud of Port Gloom. It’s my most recent project and I really poured a lot of work into it. I also had a lot of great feedback from some close friends. Such a long project but so worth doing. Everybody else really likes it too.
Elastic: -Cough- I may or may not be playing it now -cough-
Asimo: It’s a tough game to run. Definitely the biggest complaint about it, but something I expected. I didn’t want to hold myself back at all on this project. Normally I try to make my games run well for everybody but Port Gloom was different.
Elastic: Are you currently working on anything big?
Animal: Hmm. I'm out of random questions. Oh wait, maybe I am not. I have a very random one! When is your birthday? Then we can get prepared to get you something! Unless it passed.
Elastic: I think I have a scrap of Tix somewhere under my couch cushion.
Animal: Oh, those were yours? I took them.
Asimo: It’s in December :)
Elastic: Mine’s in January. I got a rock soufflĂ© and a few fake Tix.
Animal: My birthday is on Memorial Day. May 25th! 10 days away.
Asimo: Awesome
Elastic: I’ll get some mud pie ready!
Animal: Getting the same thing as last years gift?
Elastic:  Fine, I will BBQ some sticks… MAN. We got really off topic...
Animal: Anyways, what is your favorite color?
Asimo: Lime Green is the best color in the world.
Animal: What do you plan to build in the future?
Asimo: I’ve got a Modern house I really like, just a single room right now. I recently tweeted some pictures and I love where it’s going. High detail and something new for me. A new Marble Rider might be soon too.
Elastic: Yeah, I saw that. it looks really cool and has a lot of detail.
Animal: Would you like to rate your experience with us? :P
Asimo: Honestly, a 6. NO I’m kidding. It’s been great.
Animal: So, um, what number?
Asimo: I’d say a 10. I like how casual it is around here.
Animal: Yes, it is very nice. A blank document with us filling it up with words. The life of a writer/Interviewer!
Elastic: You know, I always think that people would think less of us because of how casual we are here but apparently not :P.
Asimo: I’ve done some interviews with Roblox in the past and I’ve talked with the staff. The more casual the better.
Elastic: Do you think you speak for other popular ROBLOXians when you say this?
Asimo: I’d think anybody is that way. When the interviewer is serious or asking really tough may have accidentally found yourself at a job interview.
Animal: ys we do nt cre abt mistaks becse we knw wht we ar taling abut
Asimo: fntastc
Asimo: Take care!