Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Interview With Boring!

Interview With Boring

Animal: Hello!
Boring: Greetings!
King: Welcome to the Roblox Archives!
Animal: It’s great to have you here!
King: Animal will start you off!
Animal: Yes. So, Boring, what do you do on Roblox?
Boring: Well most of the time I just play the many great ROBLOX games. Usually though I’ll join InceptionTime on his Twitch livestreams, which he does generally 3 times a week.
Animal: Okay. So when did you first join Roblox?
Boring: 2/17/07, on the account Doomest.
Animal: Are you good at building?
Boring: Yes, I would say I’m good at building. My most noteworthy build is the map “Crystal Caves” on Twisted Murderer.
King: I love that map!
Uch: I love that map! Are you happy that Roblox is turning 10 years old?
Boring: And yeah, I am glad Roblox is turning 10 years of age. I’m looking forward to it growing even more over the years.
Uch: So how did you find Roblox?
Boring: I saw an ad for Roblox on the site so I decided to look at it, what really sold me was that the Robloxian was holding a bomb inside a building and watching the building blow it up.
Animal: I have a very serious question. W1ll u don8 pl0x?
Boring: Well I’m pretty poor myself. I get a weekly allowance of robux from ROBLOX streaming challenges, heh… Which I have to work for. Not sure if it would be considered an allowance then…
King: How does this system work?
Boring: Every week during The Next Level the hosts of the show will give us a certain goal to livestream and highlight to Twitch. If we do so they’ll reward us with a robux prize. The amount of robux depends on how many people completed the goal.
King: How did you snag your ‘boring’ name?
Boring: In early 2007, when I used the account Doomest, Roblox had no way of preventing team killing or spawn killing. Both were bannable offenses. So, uh… I team killed people and got the account Doomest deleted. I suspect Roblox’s moderation system was limited to only deletion back then, rather than something like one day ban. Anyway, Doomest was the username I always used on games, so I had no idea what to name myself. Eventually I thought of how bored I was, and decided to name myself Boring.
King: Well, that is quite an inspiring and not boring story! Uch, I saw you loved his Crystal Caves map. Have anything to ask about how he built it?
Uch: Where did you get the idea for the map?
Boring: My main inspiration for the map probably came from Skyrim, with its big, cool looking caves. We all seem to get influence from some place though, even if we can’t recall where from. Lots of stuff and imagination in the mind.
King: Nice! Well, I heard the Bloxcast is soon, so I assume you are ready for it?
Boring: I try to watch all the ROBLOX livestreams. I find them to be very entertaining. BLOXCast has a nice Q&A session, so it should be interesting to hear what the Roblox staff have to say.
King: Well, I’m glad you came to us Boring! If you have a group spot, we have a spot with all interviewed people in it, one of which is Jackintheblox!
Animal: And Inceptiontime!
Boring: Aye, I believe I do. Suppose I will join it.
Animal: You get this awesome ‘Star’ rank too.
Boring: Neat.
King: I have many more questions, but we are out of time for BLOXCast!
Animal: What do you say about carrying this over to later?
Boring: Suppose that’s fine.
A few moments later…

King: So boring, what other things do you do aside from Roblox?
Boring: Well, I go to church every Wednesday and Sunday. Got a great high school group I get to hang out with, play games with and learn with. I’m homeschooled, so I don’t go outside too often, heh. I also play all sorts of video games.
King: That is really cool. Sometimes I wonder if I’d be better off homeschooled, since public schools can get evil.
Boring: I only went to to public school for kindergarten and half of 1st grade, so I don’t know too much about how it works, except for what people tell me.
King: It can be an evil and an excellent place. Anyways, do you enjoy any sports?
Boring: My physical condition isn’t so great for sports. If I actually tried working out it would be though. I watch a lot of football, mainly with my family, because it’s a family thing.
King: I used to watch it a lot too. Anyways, I feel Animal has a question for you next.
Animal: Another funny question! Will you follow me on Twitter pl0x?
Boring: I try to keep my follow count low, for some reason. Though I also follow people I don’t really know and am not too interested in. Just one of those things, I guess.
Animal: Well, um, you don’t know me. And for sure you’re not interested in anything I do. All I do is ask random people I find for an interview. :P
Boring: Heh, well it’s a neat business you have here.
King: Thanks! Animal started this, then I came along to make things more user friendly and more organized so we can grow. We work well together, and we strive to get good quality interviews and reviews.
Animal: So, do you get the ‘Boring’ puns a lot?
Boring: Heh, every day I’m on ROBLOX; at least 5 a day. Been happening since I first made this account. Everyone has to make at least one once they meet me.
Animal: What’s with all the “RIP Boring” shirts in InceptionTime’s group?
Boring: It could have been thought up from a specific time when InceptionTime slayed me on Paintball Galore, but then again, he slays me a lot on that game. People find it unusual for me to get beaten on video games, as I am more skilled than most at them. The way Paintball Galore works, you generally have to rely on teammates at certain moments. That can cause me to get slain quite a bit. Not to mention InceptionTime has some overpowered characters on it, heh.
Animal: Oh, I thought maybe you quit the team or something. Anyways, on to another random question, what is your favorite color?
Boring: Blue is my favorite; a somewhat grey-blue.
Animal: Would you like to rate your experience with this interview?
Boring: Well, I don’t recall ever being interviewed before, so I don’t exactly have anything to compare it with. I’d say you’re doing very well though. “10/10” -notIGN
Animal: Great! A rating from something besides IGN for once. I almost forgot those existed. Anyways, if you ever become even more famous we’ll probably contact you and ask if you want to come back!
Boring: A good plan.
Animal: Our very very last question that we basically ask everyone because we have no friends: After this interview will you be our friends? :P
Boring: Ooh, that 200 friend limit.
Animal: That 200 friend limit can’t stop this! It is fate that I be on your friends list. And I know that because I’m already on it.
Boring: Shh. No one needs to know that.
Animal: Well, I guess we can sum this up as one very BORING interview.
Boring: Hopefully the only one you have.
Animal: Yes, hopefully. Anyways… unless you cancel out of Google Docs I can keep talking to you. Also now I will randomly send you tweets everyday. Everyday. Every single day.
Boring: Spooky… That’s OK though, I suppose.
Animal: Also I will always tell you to follow me on Twitter.
Boring: Heh, I don’t often follow people.

Interview With Boring!

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