Sunday, April 26, 2015

Interview With TheInnovative!

Interview With TheInnovative!

Interviwer: Guest:
AnimalBot99 TheInnovative

Animal: Hello!

TheInnovative: Hey!

Animal: It’s great to have you. After all that re-planning we had to do. So, tell us about what you do on Roblox.

TheInnovative: Thanks for interviewing me! On roblox I am a game developer, graphic designer, and a user interface designer as well. I am currently in the making of my first major release, “Last Man Standing.”

Animal: Did you have any other famous games you developed?

TheInnovative: Nope, I was pretty low key and my ideas were never fully finished until LMS.

Animal: So, what is the game like? Like, what’s the objective and so on?

TheInnovative: I originally based the game off an awesome 8-bit like Steam game called “Ace of Spades.” (Eventually I moved away from mimicking the game and made things how I want to.) LMS is currently a game with one game mode, Infection. In infection, one player is chosen as a zombie as the rest of the players are human. The zombies have 5 minutes to infect humans. If a human is infected, he/she becomes a zombie as well. If time runs out, the humans win. If no humans are left, the zombies win.

Animal: So, is the game front page material yet or still have a lot to work on?

TheInnovative: I can’t really say if it’s front page material, that’s for the players to decide, but I sure am very close to being ready to release Beta testing!

Animal: So, what else do you do on Roblox besides develop games?

TheInnovative: As mentioned, I love to design user interfaces for games. I recently completed GUI work for ScriptOn’s new title, “Quarantine.” I also am a graphic artist as I like to make logos and such for fun.

Animal: So on to a totally random topic, what is your favorite Roblox catalog item? Gear, hat, package, any of them.

TheInnovative: Oh man, great question! I’ve had a large experience with the catalog, especially with Limiteds. My favorite Limited U I ever purchased before it went off-sale is probably Duke of the Federation. My favorite general catalog items are dominus(es? :P). I currently own the Dominus Aureus and love how well it matches my character. I’m a huge fan when it comes to expensive items, lol.

Animal: I own cheap limiteds. I can’t afford anything good :P Anyways, this brings us to our first question that I am sure EVERYONE has! Will you don8 pl0x?

TheInnovative: I get that question quite often. If I had unlimited robux and was allowed to give it away to people so they can purchase catalog items, I surely would. Unfortunately that isn’t the case so I can’t meet everyone’s requests of course.

Animal: Next great question you probably get a lot of too: Will you follow me on Twitter for R$1?

TheInnovative: I actually don’t get people bribing me so I could follow them. I try to follow interesting people who do cool stuff that I’d be interested in seeing on my timeline.

Animal: Next famous question! Would you friend me on Roblox for… okay, here it comes… 3 Tix.

TheInnovative: Smooth, lol. I normally do not accept Friend Requests anymore ever since the new update. I like to keep my friends list to people who I know well. If people want to keep in touch with me me, they should follow me instead! :)

Animal: Okay, back to other ‘normal’ questions. What is your favorite banded top hat?

TheInnovative: My favorite banded top hat has got to be the Red Banded Top Hat! It’s a classic and it’s still quite rare. I don’t have it, but it’s, in my opinion, the best looking of all of them.

Animal: I only own yellow. I like Red Banded Top Hat too but there’s no way I’m getting it :P Anyways, what’s your favorite Roblox game? Besides your own.

TheInnovative: Great question! I’ve been playing ROBLOX games since late 2008 so I’ve seen plenty of great games. My favorite classic game is probably TheGamer101’s “Sword Fight Tournament” and my favorite current game has to be a tie between “Tiny Tanks” by ArceusInator and Gusmanak, and “Apocalypse Rising” by Gusmanak and ZolarKeth. All very fun games!

Animal: How did you like this year’s egg hunt?

TheInnovative: Unpopular opinion: I actually thought it wasn’t too bad! I think this year’s eggs themselves were one of the best among all the hunts. The developers did a pretty good job at incorporating them into their game, but I would have loved a single map for it like 2013.

Animal: Have you been in any groups over the years?

TheInnovative: I’ve participated in some war groups like Team Bluesteel, a country group for Ukraine, and even ROBLOX News by Arbirator but I’ve sort of swayed away from them. I just can’t stay active in groups. :P

Animal: What do you think was the best Roblox update over the years?

TheInnovative: I can’t just choose one, there have been plenty of great updates that have benefited many, especially to ROBLOX Studio. If I had to pick one that benefits me the most, I’d say it’s the DevEx program.

Animal: Did you ever use DevEx yet?

TheInnovative: Yes I have! I cashed out in late December last year on my birthday and was very happy when I got the money through PayPal in early January. There’s so much you can do with it, lol.

Animal: So, I guess the interview is coming to an end. Do you have anything you want to say to anyone that is trying to develop a game or make great game thumbnails?

TheInnovative: Have patience, lots of it! You can’t get good at something overnight. I know this has probably been told to everyone millions of times, but just keep doing it! Look up anything you want to learn and go try it! For example, the wiki has helped me tremendously along with looking to see how some free models work. This has helped me learn to do what I love to do!

Animal: It was great to have you! Maybe one day when your LMS hits the front page for more than a week we’ll invite you back!

TheInnovative: Thanks for having me! I look forward to seeing you again!

ROBLOX Archives interview with TheInnovative! More interviews will be coming out! (Hopefully)