Thursday, April 9, 2015

Interview With Nexx

Interviewers:                                                                                                                  Guest: 
LordElastic                                                                                                                      Nexx

Elastic: Hello. 

Animal: Hi.

Nexx: Hi.

Elastic: Today we have Nexx, popular developer, notably of his newest game, PowerUp.

Animal: Even though I have never played it, I’ve heard it is a great game.

Elastic: I have played it quite a bit and, yes, it is. Would you like to tell us a bit about it,  Nexx?

Nexx: Power Up is a game where 4 hunters have to try and take down a monster before he  “powers up” and becomes much stronger, if they are unable to do so then the monster can  easily take out the other team. It’s obviously inspired by the game Evolve.

Elastic: And I understand each hunter is different?

Nexx: Yes, each hunter has their own unique abilities to use against the monster. The Runner has a tracer dart gun, and a stun mine that slows the monster. The Tank has a rocket launcher and an explosive mine, which are self explanatory. While the Medic has a healing gun and a healing station, which are both good utilities to keep members alive. Lastly, the Hunter has harpoon mines that can hold the monster temporarily in place and a  dome shield which can trap the monster in a specific area.

Elastic: That sounds very well planned‐out. Do you plan to add more classes?

Nexx: I think the 4 are enough, and keep the game relatively balanced, but each character for a class has different stats to make it interesting.

Animal: What does the monster get to fight with?

Nexx: The monsters will eventually have unique abilities, but right now the default monster has very strong claws that can do massive damage, a fireball that will do damage overtime if a hunter touches it, and the ability to cause an explosion to do proximity damage with anyone close.

Elastic: So, you said default monster. Do you imply you can get other monsters?

Nexx: Yes, actually we added another monster just yesterday that you can buy with credits to unlock. Currently, the monster has the same abilities as the default monster, but this will change soon. KrixYaz is actually the one creating the monster skins, so hopefully he will make more soon!

Animal: Off the topic of Power Up for a while, how long were you a developer on Roblox for?

Nexx: Well, I joined the site in 2008 and straight away started trying to make my own games, but I would say I didn’t really script the games until around late 2009, I used free models pretty much before that, they are a great learning tool.

Elastic: What was your first big game?

Nexx: My first “big game” was probably “Real Life Company Tycoon” which was in 2009, it was like any other tycoon game, but the only way to earn money was by having others buy products from you, but you also had a competing store to fight for the best price. The game hit front page for a week or so but died down pretty quick, I think it gained around 250,000 visits.

Elastic: What would you say was your most popular game?

Nexx: My most popular game at the current moment was probably ClashBlox: Battle Cards which I made in about a week, and was mainly just for fun. It ended up being a huge hit and getting nominated for “Most Innovative Gameplay” at the 2013 BloxCon.

Elastic: What do you do in this game?

Nexx: It was just a basic card game, but used characters and gear from roblox as the cards, you could buy packs and fight other players and trade and earn more money to buy better cards. The game was very unbalanced though, and I eventually gave up on it.

Elastic: Getting to a different topic, what is your favorite hat on the Catalog?

Nexx: I really like the fedoras, I use to actually collect them before DevEx was released, I was planning to own every single one if it was possible. Haha, but since DevEx I don’t own any “limited” fedoras anymore.

Elastic: Cool, what about your favorite gear?

Nexx: Stravant’s Lighting. Enough said.

Elastic: What is your favorite game made by another developer?

Nexx: Hmmm, this one is hard. I was really addicted to Super Bomb Survival by TylerMcBride for a while, I don’t think any other games at the moment have caught my attention since that game sadly.

Elastic: Well, I will be back shortly. Animal will continue from here if you wish.

Animal: Time to get through all the very basic questions that we know the answers to but most people probably don’t know. First, our most basic question: W!|| u don8 pl0x?

Nexx: sometimes...? :P

Animal: Okay, next basic question: Will you follow me on Twitter :D

Nexx: Only usually follow people I know or have interest in a project they are working on, sorry :(

Animal: Time for my most favorite basic question: Will you friend me on Roblox for 1,230 Robux!

Nexx: And since the new “Friends and Followers” update, I only friend close friends! Sorry!

Animal: I remember when you accepted my friend request. Then I saw you deleted me. But I was okay with that :D Next question. What do you think was the best Roblox feature implemented over the past years?

Nexx: DevEx for sure, a lot of developers, including me probably wouldn’t have stuck around as long without this feature. So it has definitely kept developers around to create awesome games.

Elastic: I am back. On a scale of 1‐duck how much did you miss me?

Nexx: Duck.

Elastic: Well, I didn’t miss you either! Next question, VVi|| |_| o|on8 |*I0><? Yes or no question, bro.

Nexx: I think this was already asked before, sadly I don’t donate usually.

Elastic: Next question, what is your favorite item on ROBLOX over all?

Nexx: For sure my Orlando Maker Faire Hat, makes me feel special to own one, and reminds me how fun it was to work at the Roblox Booth there.

Elastic: Do you have the coca‐AHEM I meant who is your favorite developer (other than yourself). Coca‐Cola doesn’t matter right now!

Nexx: I am a fan of Quenty, he is very good at UI/UX design on his games, and its something I always strive towards when working on my games and making the interface.

Animal: What was the very first thing you created on Roblox when you joined?

Nexx: I made a horrible pokemon obby that used all free models and was very broken, it actually hit the front page for a few days and I earned over 10k tickets. Which was a huge amount in 2008.


Nexx: Uhhh, red?

Animal: Just had to be the one top hat we could never get.

Elastic: Crap. The one we will never get... What is your favorite of these animals: Panda, Wolf, Rhino?

Nexx: Wolf, because they are probably the closest to a fox which is my favorite animal.

Elastic: Ha‐HAH! A decisive win for Happy Wolf. 

Animal: What do you wish to accomplish in your Roblox ‘career?’

Nexx: Just to feel accomplished, and maybe make an impact with something on Roblox that people will remember.

Elastic: Do you feel you’ve made a large impact on ROBLOX already with your creations?

Nexx: I don’t think so, I think I won’t feel like I have made an impact until I reinvent the way we might do something already in Roblox. Until then, I probably won’t feel accomplished.

Animal: Were you ever featured on the Roblox blog?

Nexx: Yes, I have been featured multiple times throughout the years. I think the biggest thing I was featured for was “Roblox Reviews” which was a crowd‐sourced game review website.

Elastic: Well, if this ever becomes popular,  we will be sure to have you the base of many things, heh.

Animal: Oh wait, we almost forgot another basic question! If you are ever mentioned on anything, will you bring us up :D

Nexx: Possibly! I am not even sure where this interview will be posted! Haha.

Elastic: Well, we are working on a website but until then it will be on Google Docs and Blogger which we will link if you want to see what we have so far.

Nexx: Yeah, just link me on twitter or wherever!

Elastic: Yep, it will be there and everywhere else we can find! Muahahahaha! Shameless self‐advertisement! Except not so shameless...

Animal: Sometimes we join random servers telling people to join The ROBLOX Archives. Just kidding, we don’t do that. NONE OF YOU HAVE PROOF. Anyways, after this article, will you join the group?

Nexx: Sure. I’ll join the group.

Elastic: Ooookay, then. ‐Cough‐$20 for the video‐ Cough‐ Ahem, sorry about that. So, are you active in groups on ROBLOX?

Animal: I saw Nexx was a group owner in some building groups.

Elastic: Could you tell us about that, Nexx?

Nexx: I own a group called Revopunk Studios, we are a group of people who build games together from time to time. It’s not really a studio though, more of a group of friends who discuss development and sometimes use each others abilities on projects.

Elastic: I find this a bit rude, but our friend wants to know who your favorite ROBLOX Admin is.

Animal: Keep in mind, Vexedly read at least one of these for some reason.

Nexx: I don’t really have a favorite, if anyone it would be Shedletsky or Blockhaak because they have always taken interest in my projects.

Elastic: Plz dunt kl me vxdly 4 nawt mkng him sai he lks u.

Animal: Moving on. What is your favorite ROBLOX studio feature? 

Nexx: HttpService and Datastore, without these features saving would not be possible, and HttpService opens up a lot of opportunities to create cool features outside of roblox

Elastic: OK, well you probably have a lot to work on with PowerUp and all. Do you have anything to ask us or say to us or the 0 people that will probably read this? Heh.

Nexx: Don’t think so, I think I have said everything I have wanted to say!

Elastic: Well, that about wraps it up. If you, or anyone, wants to get any information about our little thing, here, they can contact us on Twitter or ROBLOX. See you next time!