Thursday, April 9, 2015

Interview With InceptionTime


INTERVIEWERS                                                                                        Guest

LordElastic                                                                                                InceptionTime


Elastic: Shall we start, fellow nubcaiks? I am LordElastic, Co-­Founder, and Group Holder for The ROBLOX Archives. Here we have another noob. Would you like to introduce yourself?

Animal: I am Animal. One of my most well known quotes was “Hi nub fwend.” And from our last interview, I am now wanted in all of the United States.

Elastic: And today we have InceptionTime here.

Inception: Who is InceptionTime? Sounds like a cool guy.

Elastic: He’s not. He’s just some random noob I found on the streets of ROBLOXia. So, how are you doing?

Inception: Ah ok. Well I am doing good been busy with streaming and college work.

Elastic: Ah, college? What degree are you going for?

Inception: Right now I’m studying I.T. and once I finish the course I will be off to Uni for 4 years which will be pretty cool and then after that I hope to move over to the US and get a job at ROBLOX.

Animal: If you get a job at ROBLOX, tell everyone you knew me before you worked there.

Inception: Hahaha we will see.

Elastic: Also plz don8 pl0x. me p0r as a bloq.

Inception: wat iz don8? neva herd of such a thing.

Elastic: i duno but mi dadi teld me 2 tel evry1 dat. Anyways, that was just a preset question. (Our standards are low and we need money).

Animal: Lots and lots of money.

Inception: Ah ok. Well I don’t donate if I did I’d have to donate to everyone that asks and I don’t really want to do that. Plus I don’t have lots of money.

Animal: We understand. Elastic, get the gun... just in case.

Elastic: Welp, I don’t see how that is. I mean, it’s not like anyone actually reads this. Except Vexedly. Aaaaaaannnyyywwwaaayyysss, What do you do for ROBLOX at the moment?

Inception: Right now I guess I stream for them and also unofficially make the ROBLOX Weekly roundup. Oh and I also moderate their ROBLOX Twitch chat.

Elastic: Cool. What kind of stuff do you stream?

Inception: I stream ROBLOX games that the viewers submit via a Google Form.

Animal: Maybe if you put the form and your channel you can get more people! What is your favorite Roblox game?

Inception: Ah loads of people ask me this question and I can never think of a proper answer. There are so many good games on ROBLOX it is hard to choose.

Animal: Okay then. Hm, when did you first join ROBLOX?

Inception: I first joined in 2008 on a different account and met some cool people back then, I was into war groups at that time and joined an awesome group called CSDU which is dead at this current time but as time went on that account got deleted and I then created a new account (my current one) and have been playing since then.

Elastic: Wow, that’s a long time. So, do you build or script well?

Inception: I mostly build but I do script a little bit.

Animal: How did you start your ‘Twitch career’?

Inception: I guess it started after getting modded on the ROBLOX Twitch channel, since I had to stay and watch the whole stream they announced a ROBLOX Twitch challenge which I thought I could give a try and then some people watched my streams and I started talking to them (Mystinq, Marine) and we created a “Stream Team” and I streamed with them for a while and then we started getting some followers and ROBLOX noticed so we got talking to JacksSmirkingRevenge and he liked what we were doing and decided to host us and that is when we started growing bigger and then I met some other people such as Kacey and started streaming with her too. People liked what we were doing so we have continued streaming.

Elastic: Wow, that sounds nice. So you said you are going to get a job at ROBLOX earlier, now what kind of job is that?

Inception: Right now I just want a job in the moderation department but once I finish University and find out what I am good at then I will transfer into another department such as the web-

Elastic: Sounds like a nice plan. How long do you want to work at ROBLOX? Temporary or as long as you can? Many employees say they would recommend it to anyone.

Inception: As long as I can, I think working at ROBLOX would be a great job.

Elastic: Sounds like it, everyone I have ever asked said it was a great job.

Animal: What is your favorite type of animal?

Inception: Cats.

Elastic: We’re not friends anymore. If we ever were friends. Haha, just kidding. I love cats.

Animal: We must go through another basic question. WILL YOU FWEND MEH ON ROBLOX PL0X!?

Inception: Since the friends and followers update has come out I don’t accept all friend requests anymore since there is now a max amount of friends you can have (200) so right now I’m being careful with how many friend requests I accept. But you can follow me instead.

Animal: So is that a ‘no’?

Inception: Maybe. Mwuahahaha.

Elastic: Welp, let’s see... what’s your favorite game genre?

Inception: Hmm... Sci­Fi since Doctor Who falls in that genre. Doctor Who is awesome by the way.

Elastic: I know. Hahaha, I have watched the first season or two. Don’t you build Dr. Who games yourself?

Inception: Yeah I do but I really need to update them since they are pretty old but I haven’t found the time to do that yet. I am currently building the 12th Doctors TARDIS but this time using Solid Modelling since that is a really useful feature that ROBLOX added. So far the progress is going very well but only a selected few can visit the game it is on. But I do upload sneak peeks on my Twitter.

Elastic: ­Whispers­ CAN I SEEEEEEE....???

Inception: Not right now, but I will be uploading new images on my Twitter.

Animal: How good are you at building?

Inception: I’d say I’m pretty good at building.

Animal: Would you follow someone on Twitter if they said they were your friend :D

Inception: Hahaha I maybe. I don’t really do follow 4 follow but I sometimes follow people that I have talked to.

Animal: Talked to in real life or on social media? Because you’ve talked to me a lot on social media!

Inception: Both.

Animal: Aw. Any other questions, Elastic?

Elastic: Hmmm, well, I have begged for money... Nope, not much else. Wait, you said you stream on Twitch and had a “Stream Team”. Who are these users?

Inception: Currently my stream team is Kacey, Vexedly, Mystinq (Sidney) and Boring but I also sometimes stream with Yocan just so I can blame him voice to voice.

Elastic: Ah, so you are friends with Vexedly. Well, we noticed he read the last interview. CAN YOU PL0X POOT IN A GEWD WERD.

Inception: He is very busy since he has a job with ROBLOX now. #BlameYocan

Elastic: Gershdernet. Hmm, well could you maybe RT the link to this I am about to tweet? :D

Inception: Sure.

Elastic: Greeeeaaaaaattt. me guna b famoose. Anyways, what kinda stuff do you do off­stream?

Inception: College work, gaming and the best thing of all... Sleeeeeepppinngggg.

Elastic: Welp, we only have a bit more time. Do you have anything to ask me or Animal? He is not here right now but he can fill in his answers. Hahaha.

Inception: Erm the only other thing I want to say is, make sure to blame Yocan daily. #BlameYocan

Elastic: Anything else for the imaginary readers?

Inception: Haha, nothing comes to mind.

Elastic: OK, then. I guess it’s about time to wrap this one up. See you later.

This has been an interview with InceptionTime. If 

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Tune in next time for more stories.


#BlameYocan - InceptionTime :)