Thursday, April 9, 2015

Interview With Arceusinator


Interviewers:                                                                        Guest:

AnimalBot99                                                                         Arceusinator (duh)


Elastic: Hello.

Animal: Hi nub fwend.

Arceus: Hi.

Elastic: I am Elastic, would you like to introduce yourself?

Animal: I am Animal. I am wanted in more than half of the United States, and a small 

part of China.

Elastic: Don’t forget India. And how about you, Arceus?

Arceus: I’m Arceusinator, I work for roblox and am currently working with Gusmanak to 

develop Tiny Tanks.

Elastic: And what do you do for ROBLOX?

Arceus: My job is to fix their broken and buggy gear.

Animal: And you also take gear requests to get fixed, thumbnail wise.

Arceus: Yep.

Elastic: Yes, Animal and I have sent a few requests ourselves, isn’t that right?

Arceus: Yeah I ended up fixing like 20 thumbnails that day.

Elastic: Hehe... Well, it’s your job, right? Don’t you get paid to do that?

Arceus: Yep

Animal: We help you do your job for nothing in return. It works perfectly!

Elastic: And I found a can of beans to eat yesterday!

Animal: Oh no Elastic! You weren’t supposed to eat those beans! They were long 

overdue for a new thumbnail. Oh well.

Elastic: Well, who cares. Do you work with anyone, Arceus?

Arceus: I work with Luckymaxer and Tarabyte on gear.  There’s also someone else but I 

don’t think he has a roblox account.

Animal: I have a question for Arceus! What’s happening with Teapot Turret? If you can 

say anything, that is.

Arceus: I don’t think anything is happening with it.  Have there been rumors or 


Animal: I just saw it get updated a couple months ago. Which was odd, so I thought 

maybe someone was working on it.

Arceus: Oh yeah, there was a contest in RBXDev and the winner got the turret.  

TylerMcBride won it and Luckymaxer fixed it up to work properly, but now it only has 

powers in clockwork’s places and TylerMcBride’s places.

Animal: I found an item inserter a while ago and inserted it in my game. No wonder why 

it never worked.

Elastic: Huh. That explains that. Do you know what’s up with the new Red Hyperlaser? 

Arceus: Is there something wrong with it?  I don’t work on new gear, I just fix old and 

broken ones.

Elastic: Nevermind, I was just wondering why they took it and made it red then re­sold it.

Arceus: It probably behaves differently somehow.  I don’t work on that area of gear so I 

wouldn’t know.

Elastic: So do you work from your house or do you work from the ROBLOX HQ?

Arceus: I get to work from home, one of the perks of being a contractor.

Elastic: Cool. Do you still interact in real life with other ROBLOX employees?

Arceus: Not usually in person but I talk to admins and developers a lot.

Animal: And also talk to fans on Twitter!

Elastic: Yep, that’s how you met us. How lucky of you! Haha.

Animal: Psst, Elastic! I don’t think that was good luck! More like bad luck.

Elastic: I doubt it! Anyways, do you develop games a lot or not?

Arceus: I mostly make free models and plugins but recently I’ve started developing Tiny 

Tanks with Gusmanak.  It’s a lot more work than free models.

Elastic: Yes, I have seen it. Do you know Gusmanak well?

Arceus: Yeah, we didn’t really know each other before this but now we talk a lot.

Animal: How far in development is the game?

Arceus: We recently finished rewriting the prototype into something that can be 

developed further.  This way we can develop it a lot faster.  If I had to say how far we 

are in development though I’d say about 20% to the point where we can start 

advertising it.

Elastic: So, what do you actually do in this Tiny Tanks game of yours?

Arceus: I do all of the scripting.  Gusmanak does the game design and provides me with 

content like sounds, images, and models.

Elastic: Okay, but what is the gameplay like?

Arceus: You play as a tank on one of two teams and the goal is to be the first team to 

get to fifty kills.  Each player has four shots that regenerate and bounce off walls, and 

every shot is one­hit­kill.  We’re hoping to add CTF and CP game modes this week too.

Animal: Are there different kinds of tanks that you can buy in­game?

Arceus: Not right now, but we’re hoping to add those in the near future.

Animal: When do you think the game will be completely done?

Arceus: I think it’s going to be one of those games that has a constant development 

cycle.  There’s really no limit to maps, ammo types, abilities, and everything else.

Elastic: That sounds amazing. Going back to your ROBLOX career, how long do you 

plan to work there? If you ever stop working there, will you still be active on ROBLOX?

Arceus: I hope to work there forever, it’s an awesome place to work!  If I ever stop 

though I’ll definitely continue developing games though.

Elastic: So, how did you get a job for ROBLOX? Is it hard?

Arceus: I was asked if I wanted it, but I’ve been an active member of the development 

community for over a year and am fairly well­known.  I think for other people looking to 

get jobs at roblox the best option is to specialize on a skill that people need and work 

hard enough to get to the point where you have a lot to contribute to roblox.

Animal: Well said, Arceus. You win the first ever TRA award of Best Said Speech! 

Disclaimer: Award may not be real.

Elastic: So, how long have you worked at ROBLOX? Would you recommend it as a job 


Arceus: Not that long actually, only about a month.  I’d totally recommend it, working 

with a lot of awesome people doing a job you love is a great way to spend your time.

Elastic: Do you know if they have any positions currently open?

Arceus: I don’t keep track of it but if you want to keep informed about openings you 

should check  They also post openings on sites like Glassdoor.

Animal: Do you have a favorite hat in the catalog?

Arceus: Definitely the Regal Dragon Faberge Egg.  I made that one, haha.

Elastic: WILL U DON8 2 ME PLZ PLZ PLZ I NED ROBUCKZ. Hahaha. Sorry, our 

standard questions. (But plz)

Arceus: What makes you think I have any robux lol.

Animal: Well, you work for Roblox. And you have some type of Builders’ Club.

Elastic: Welp, I guess that’s one more famous person to reject giving me Robux. I’ll be 

poor forever. Anyways, Animal has s’more questions, I believe.

Animal: I am filled with questions. What is your favorite type of game on the games 

page right now?

Arceus: I haven’t played any front­page games recently, been way too busy with Tiny 


Animal: When did you first join Roblox?

Arceus: I first joined in 2009 but I didn’t really start playing until 2010.

Animal: Would you follow someone on Twitter if they said they would give you 96 Robux 

and 250 tix?

Arceus: Not because of the money, but I’ll take the money either way, haha.

Animal: What’s your Twitter username, just so our readers can go follow you!

Arceus: @ArceusInator

Animal: How many more questions can you handle answering?

Arceus: I dunno man it’s getting pretty late

Animal: Do you have anything else to say?

Arceus: Nope.

Animal: Then this concludes our interview. Thank you for coming, Arceus!

Arceus: Thanks for having me!

Animal: You can talk to me and Elastic any time! We won’t be bothered.

Elastic: Okay, then. Arceus, is there anything you want to tell our viewers? Some wise 

words? Some tips or advice?

Arceus: Not really.

Animal: Do you have any questions for us?

Arceus: Nope.

Elastic: Well, that concludes our interview! Tune in next time when we should be 

interviewing another famous ROBLOXian or Admin. Goodbye!

This has been an interview with Arceus. If you 

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in next time for more stories.