Thursday, April 9, 2015

Interview with Jackintheblox

Interviewers - Animal and Elastic
Interviewee - Jackintheblox

Elastic: Hello, my name is LordElastic, Co-Founder of The ROBLOX Archives along with Animal here.

Jack: Hi guys, thanks for having me!

Animal: So, for anyone who doesn’t know you, (Which is impossible to believe) what do you do for Roblox?

Jack: I’m on the communications team on ROBLOX, my role is specifically social media. So nearly all the content you see on the Blog, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Vine, YouTube and Google+ is curated by me. There’s a lot more stuff I do, like Twitch videos, but that’s the basics.

Elastic: That sounds like it’s a lot of fun. What is your Twitter, for those who might not know?

Jack: I’m @JackintheROBLOX on Twitter and Twitch.

Animal: What games do you like to play on Roblox?

Jack: Nearly ALL of them. As part of my job I have to make imagery and posts about ROBLOX games so I play every new game I see that is getting buzz.

Elastic: Do you make many games yourself?

Jack: When I joined ROBLOX I had zero experience building or scripting on here. But I’ve been teaching myself (slowly). I still have a LOT to learn though, but I like to tinker with stuff.

Animal: How long have you been working at Roblox for? And is it a fun job to have?

Jack: I joined ROBLOX at the end of May 2014, so just under a year now. It is a very fun job, we have a very open, friendly company. And getting to interact with ROBLOX fans and developers is a really cool and unique experience.

Animal: Did you play Roblox before you got the job?

Jack: I had seen ROBLOX around, but I played very little. I do play a lot of video games in general though.

Elastic: How did you find ROBLOX?

Jack: It first hit my radar when I saw the game cards in a GameStop, and when I was covering family friendly games for IGN.

Animal: You know how there is always lots of talk of the one great hat named Red Banded Top Hat? Do you want to tell all our readers the best way you can get this hat?

Jack: Haha, um I’m afraid I don’t have any specific advice for that. It’s kind of a case by case thing. But I will say if you’re TRYING to get it, you’re probably on the wrong track. It’s an award for those that help us out in tremendous ways. :)

Elastic: This is one I must ask everyone, w!l u dun8 pl0x

Jack: Haha sorry, can’t. ;)

Elastic: I had to sell my virtual house yesterday for some Tix :(

Animal: I kept telling you it was a bad idea. You only took 5 Tix. You were scammed badly.

Jack: lol

Elastic: Do you plan to stay working for ROBLOX forever?

Jack: Forever is a very long time, but I plan to be here for a while. I’d like to help ROBLOX grow and get even better!

Elastic: Who are some people that you work with at ROBLOX?

Jack: I work mostly with blockhaak, who does a lot of the same stuff I do, but on a bigger more important level. Also NobleDragon and ReeseMcBlox for general community and event stuff. But I work with a lot of the company because we’re always talking to them about the new features they’re working on, or bringing them on as guests for The Next Level, our Twitch livestream.

Animal: Will you help us reach our goal of getting BlockHaak to be interviewed?

Jack: Keep this going, get more guests, and I’ll show it to him. We love when ROBLOX players do extra community stuff like this.

Elastic: Thanks. You show more interest in this than some of our other guests.

Animal: Don’t say that Elastic. -Checks through other documents- Okay, maybe you are right.

Elastic: We’ve done a few other famous (Or semi-famous, at least) and we’re trying to reach people with more and more popularity. You are a big step for us. :)

Jack: D’aww well I’m glad to help. Positive community members are awesome. :D

Animal: We are very positive. Very positive. Very, very, very. Okay, maybe just a little.

Elastic: As you can see, my friend Animal here is also quite humble.

Jack: LOL

Animal: What is it like to be famous? We want to know since we may never become that. :P

Elastic: Optimism!

Jack: Haha well I wouldn’t say I’m famous, not in like a grand scale. But it’s kinda strange, and cool. Seeing people get excited when you show up in a game is fun, and it makes me want to do a good job with our shows and stuff because I see how much a lot of you care about it.

Elastic: I’d say, on the ROBLOX famous scale, you’re a 9/10. 10 being… Shedletsky.

Animal: It’s so great that you are an admin at Roblox.

Jack: It actually pleases me to see that some of our developers are actually more famous. They’re the ones who really make ROBLOX awesome. Sure I’m awesome, funny, handsome, and very camera friendly and our Twitch show is like the 4th greatest Twitch show to have ever existed, but I’m just too humble to call myself famous. ;)

Elastic: Well, if you’re not famous, it won’t be too much of a burden to join our group will it? WINK WINK COUGH SNEEZE

Animal: What must one do to get a friend request accepted by you?

Jack: Oh that’s tough. I have very few friends on there, mostly employees and developers I’ve had as guests on our show. I use the Follower system though. Followers can message me, follow me into games, all that. Also you can join my Group, Space Tiger Team Force Space Go Now to interact with me more.

Elastic: Well, I am making a game with a few of my friends… does that count?

Animal: What must one do to get you to follow them on Twitter?

Jack: Oh that’s way easier. Be cool and friendly and you’re likely to get added.

Elastic: Oh, well that second one breaks the deal. I’m a horrible person.

Animal: Yes he is. What is your favorite banded top hat?

Jack: Probably purple, though I don’t actually own any top hats!

Elastic: Ok, wolves, pandas, or rhinos?

Jack: Wolves, all the way.

Elastic: That’s 2 wins for Elastic.

Animal: Animals, Elastic, or whatever an Uch is?

Jack: Gotta go animals, but only in an abstract way, separate from you all as persons. :)

Elastic: Sorry, these are our preset questions.

Animal: Back to asking you questions! What future blog posts do you have coming up? *WINK* *WINK*


Jack: We have a really exciting one about [REDACTED] and then another one about [TOP SECRET] and then one announcing the next Event, the [CENSORED].

Elastic: Sounds [REMOVED].

Animal: [ Content Deleted ]

Elastic: Is there anything you can tell us?

Jack: Yeah if you’ve been watching the Twitch shows we’ve done a few previews for upcoming features. Expect blog posts on those. And we’ll be announcing and promoting our Maker Faire events, which is a great way for ROBLOX citizens to meet us and developers in person.

Animal: After this interview, will you still be friends with us? :D

Elastic: I will settle with “hate them but know them”.

Jack: I will not ignore you and pretend we’ve never met like an older sibling at school does.

Elastic: DEAL.

Animal: Do you have anything you want to say to us? Maybe like “BLOX ON!” or words of encouragement to keep going on with this idea of interviewing people?

Jack: ROBLOX is great because of the community, and there’s so much more to that than just making games. I think there’s a ton of opportunity for creativity and providing services to ROBLOX fans and you guys have found a way to do that. It’s awesome, keep it up. :)

Elastic: Well, I am glad there are people like you who, high as they are in the ROBLOX community, still want to support people like us :)

Animal: Yes, people like us. The people you never notice in games because we are just like everyone else.

Elastic: One last question, what is your favorite item(s) on the ROBLOX Catalog?

Jack: I love my Outlawed Vampumatiger helmet. It makes me feel like a superhero. :D

Animal: It was a great time talking with you!

Elastic: Feel free to help yourselves to the refreshments that can be gained by following us on Twitter :D (Warning: Refreshments may not be refreshing)

Animal: And if you friend me, you will get this limited edition cookie. It may or may not contain bacteria. Also, it may or may not kill you. All we know is that it is under 500 years old.

Jack: Both enticing offers to be sure. I’ll think about it. ;)

Animal: Well, that wraps up the interview! Thank you for reading!

Elastic: Thanks for coming, Jack. You are a big milestone for us :)

Jack: My pleasure, thanks for having me!

Elastic: Look forward to seeing you on Twitter WINK WINK. Until then, see you next time -Hums theme song-

Yes we have a theme song now. It goes something like… doo do doo do deebeedee bop bop bow