Friday, April 7, 2017

Interview with xTayyBlox


Hello, what do you do on Roblox?

♛ 𝓣𝒂_𝒚𝒚 ♛-

I do videos to youtube, I develop and I do graphics.


Are you popular?

♛ 𝓣𝒂_𝒚𝒚 ♛-

Well, I feel that I am but Im starting to be a little bit.


What types of videos do you do on Roblox?

♛ 𝓣𝒂_𝒚𝒚 ♛-

I do Gameplay, Roblox Tutorials and soon I'll be starting to make some Timelapses.


What kind of timelapses?

♛ 𝓣𝒂_𝒚𝒚 ♛

Kind of Building Timelapses


Sounds cool. What types of Roblox tutorials do you do?

♛ 𝓣𝒂_𝒚𝒚 ♛-

I do tutorials of how to get Hats from one of the Roblox Events. But I'll do more type of tutorials soon too.


On the topic of events, what did you think of this year's egg hunt?

♛ 𝓣𝒂_𝒚𝒚 ♛-

To be honest, this was one of the best Egg Hunt Event ever on Roblox.


I did it outdid 2013's.
And I've loved 2013's for years now

♛ 𝓣𝒂_𝒚𝒚 ♛-

It was also nice too.


The building was just amazing.
I remember going to one world and thought "Am I still playing Roblox?"

♛ 𝓣𝒂_𝒚𝒚 ♛

Lol yeah XD.
Animal, not to be curious but what one of the eggs was your favorite in the 2013's Egg Hunt?


So far ago, and tell you the truth I played on my other account. Long story with that.
But just to remember, I liked the wizard egg. It seemed hard to get with how it would confuse you and such but I liked how it looked. Until it hatched.

♛ 𝓣𝒂_𝒚𝒚 ♛-

Agree with you.


Anyways, back to you, did you like any other Roblox events?

♛ 𝓣𝒂_𝒚𝒚 ♛

Yes, um. Remember that one that it happened on Halloween?


With the trick or treating?

♛ 𝓣𝒂_𝒚𝒚 ♛-

The Hallow's Eve


Oh yea, I played like for like three days and gave up
I just remember endless roads since Roblox wanted to show off that expanded maps dimensions.

♛ 𝓣𝒂_𝒚𝒚 ♛-

Mhm, Roblox is evolving alot and Events getting really more like, adventure type into their events.


I think this event was so great because with all the others Roblox was trying to show off their new updates. Like smooth terrain + egg hunt.

♛ 𝓣𝒂_𝒚𝒚 ♛-



Which was last years.

♛ 𝓣𝒂_𝒚𝒚 ♛



But the egg hunts are always great.
I don't ever remember hating one.

♛ 𝓣𝒂_𝒚𝒚 ♛-

And always impresses us.


What more fun is there than running after eggs.

♛ 𝓣𝒂_𝒚𝒚 ♛-

I dont know you but im getting hungry talking about eggs. Lol.


Just you..
Anyways, since we shortly mentioned Roblox updates, do you have a favorite update?
Smooth terrain, global shadows, etc

♛ 𝓣𝒂_𝒚𝒚 ♛-

Um yes, the constraints update.


Which is just recent.

♛ 𝓣𝒂_𝒚𝒚 ♛-

And the good of the constraints is that you can obviously make things that you wanted to do. Like for example a bridge that sometimes it broke with the old body parts.
And now goes good with it.


Physics is fun to play around with.

♛ 𝓣𝒂_𝒚𝒚 ♛

What about the old physics from like, Roblox 2006


I wasn't here then.
I joined 2011.
I barely remember much from way back then. If you asked me how the old profiles even looked I wouldn't be able to say.
Which can bring us to a great issue with an upcoming update. I am sure you know of the new avatar update, correct?

♛ 𝓣𝒂_𝒚𝒚 ♛

That it will be now only one color for our skins


Which is the only problem with it.
Why do you think Roblox is doing this?

♛ 𝓣𝒂_𝒚𝒚 ♛

I really dont know.
But, I think Roblox is trying to make like real life skin colors.


They could very well be, but it takes creativity away.

♛ 𝓣𝒂_𝒚𝒚 ♛-



Off the topic of that,


What's your favorite Roblox game so far?

♛ 𝓣𝒂_𝒚𝒚 ♛-

Except the clickbaits,
My favorite game on Roblox is Flood Escape.


What do you like about it?

♛ 𝓣𝒂_𝒚𝒚 ♛-

I like the way that the game is based of.(edited)
The maps, the gamemodes.


That's good.
Any other things you want to tell us about yourself?

♛ 𝓣𝒂_𝒚𝒚 ♛-

Sure, nothing. :p


It was great talking to you.

♛ 𝓣𝒂_𝒚𝒚 ♛-

Thank you. :smiley: