Monday, February 8, 2016

Interview With Ultraw

Today I interviewed the developer of some popular games like Skyblock Tycoon, Cloning Factory and some other games. Hopefully you enjoy reading!

What do you do on Roblox?

For the last 7-8 months, I have been developing games on ROBLOX. Although, at heart, I am still one of the players - since I love to play hundreds of games on ROBLOX regularly. 

Developing games is something which I recently got into, after previously playing games and trading limiteds more often than I do now. I would say I have a passion for building games, and the one thing that really keeps me going is the positive feedback from users, which helps me through my stressful bug-fixing times. My 3 most popular games are all tycoon based, but I prefer to make them with limited use of droppers as I feel that waiting around takes away from the user's experience.

What would you say is your greatest accomplishment on Roblox?

I'd say when Clone Tycoon first broke out onto the front page.

Because, at that stage, I'd never built a top quality game before and I only had around 50,000 total place visits. I had learnt to script through the wiki and self-teaching.

It took a while to take off, but once it got to 30 players+ online, it skyrocketed. I remember being so excited that I went to the toilet in class just to go on my phone to check the number of people playing (around 2000-6000). If only it didn't have a completely game-breaking bug...

I was just playing that game too. Really great concept of it, never saw anything like it before. What kept you motivated to keep making it?

It wasn't exactly smooth sailing.

Many, many people develop half a game, before quitting and thinking of a different idea. I was a massive sufferer of half-done-itis, in fact I still am to be honest.

The game was left unfinished at first (around March/April 2015), before I came back to it with some new ideas and finished it off in July. Motivation is very hard to maintain, especially while working alone. 

The one thing you need to do in order to stay determined is have fun while making the game. Many people say that game development is boring, but you have to remember that at the end of the day, ROBLOX is a game, and you should have fun while using it.

Do you have any advice for anyone wanting to make a popular game?

Well, first of all, I just mentioned that you need to have fun while making the game, otherwise you will lack motivation and creativity. And even if the game does come out, it could lack an innovative spark.

I also mentioned in the last answer about unfinished projects, and seemed to condemn them. However, unfinished projects will gradually teach you building and scripting skills, even if they are never playable.

Finally, I would say that the most successful games are the ones that have never been created on ROBLOX before, including all 3 of my games (to my knowledge). Also, don't force yourself to think of original ideas, it never works. Just wait until your 'lightbulb' moment.

Thank you for your time! I wish you the best of luck with your games.

Thanks Animal

Thanks Roblox Archives for having me!