Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Interview with ThatLimited!


Animal: Hello. Why don’t we start with the best question? What do you do on Roblox?

ThatLimited: Hello, thank you for having me. On ROBLOX what I do mostly is develop games and focus on trading, but recently I have focused completely on the ROBLOX Live streams with AlvinBLOX and TigersInTheBlox.

Animal: Yes, I have seen two streams. They are pretty good. My most favorite has to be the one where I got a shout out.

ThatLimited: I see, we do try to give every person who watches a shoutout if we get time. :)

Animal: That’s good. What do you do when you aren’t streaming? Building, like you said?

ThatLimited: Building or Trading, that’s mostly all I do, but sometimes I like to chill at the ROBLOX Live hangout and meet some fans.  

Animal: What is your favorite hat on the Roblox catalog?

ThatLimited: My favourite ROBLOX hat is Classic Fedora by far.

Animal: How well would you say you could build?

ThatLimited: Well I’m new to building because I’ve only just started, I guess you could call my building “Basic” but people seem to like it and that’s all that matters.

Animal: I heard you attended RDC Europe?

ThatLimited: Well, I was invited to RDC Europe by my good friends KnowDaGame & AlvinBLOXX, it was a chill day because I got to meet KnowDaGame and AlvinBLOXX, I was really nervous on my way there but when I got there it was an amazing experience.

Animal: Sounds great. Isn’t RDC invite only?

ThatLimited: Yes, I got invited by KnowDaGame who was invited by AlvinBLOXX. I was very grateful because I really wanted to go!

Animal: How did you come up with your username?

ThatLimited: Well I knew this guy and I thought his name was amazing so I was thinking for days on a username I could use with “Limited” in it, I tried “ThatLimited” and it wasn’t taken so I decided to go with that.

Animal: Do you think you’ll ever change your username?

ThatLimited: I might do, if you look I changed my name 11 times but I like my current one so probably not.

Animal: I can only afford 3 name changes. But I don’t want to waste my Robux. At least not like that. I’ll just waste it on hats I never wear. Anyways, Halloween is coming up. What are you going to be doing?

ThatLimited: Well as you know Halloween is normally a good month for ROBLOX, good prizes, well made games. But i’ll probably focus on streaming as it is my primary focus at the moment.

Animal: I’ll be changing my Twitter name to something Halloween/October based every day. Because why not? Also I am attempting at making some Halloween place but I don’t think I’ll ever complete it.

ThatLimited: Don’t say you can’t, try hard and put 100% focus into it and i’m sure you will do well, that’s what I did with grabbers.

Animal: I’ll take the advice and see how the place comes out. Anything you want to say or ask me?

ThatLimited: I just wanted to thank you for interviewing me here today, I never thought I would get this far on ROBLOX. :)

Animal: Thank you for your time. Hope you enjoyed the interview!