Monday, September 14, 2015

Interview With AlvinBLOXX


Animal: Welcome!

AlvinBLOX: Hi there, thanks for having me on!

Animal: So, want to start by telling us what you do on Roblox?

AlvinBLOX: Most of my time on Roblox is devoted to developing games, but as well as that I help TigersInTheBlox on the ROBLOX Live Hangout. I’m also quite well known for my YouTube videos teaching people how to script.

Animal: That sounds great! I’ve been trying to learn some scripting lately. Taking it slowly but I’m learning.

AlvinBLOX: Yeah, when I was first learning scripting it took me about a year.

Animal: It seems like a lot of people who joined around 2011 are good scripters by now. But not me, I guess I just never really worried about scripting until 4 years later.

AlvinBLOX: Well, you can take scripting at your own pace really. Some players might just enjoy playing games on ROBLOX for now, but maybe in the future they’d want to delve into the world of game development and scripting.

Animal: Well anyways, back to game development topic, what is the most known game you helped make or made yourself?

AlvinBLOX: It was actually a game which I developed about 2 months ago. It was a game called ‘Parkour Mania’ which I’ve now taken down as I’m focusing on better projects.

Animal: So you said you make YouTube videos?

AlvinBLOX: Yeah, I teach people scripting and GUI’s on my YouTube channel,

Animal: Did you participate in any real life Roblox events?

AlvinBLOX: Yeah, I’ve participated in a few real life Roblox events. In 2013 I went to BLOXcon London, in April 2015 I participated at the ROBLOX booth at Maker Faire UK in Newcastle with NobleDragon and UristMcSparks and in August I went to the ROBLOX Developers Conference in London and got to meet some ROBLOX admins such as Builderman, JackInTheBlox, JParty and Sorcus.

Animal: How was RDC?

AlvinBLOX: RDC was awesome, I got to meet some great ROBLOX developers such as Wsly & Zomebody, Owen0202 & SilentSwords, yrrebRBLX and Peaspod. We got to see some upcoming features coming to ROBLOX in the future as well as some developer interaction sessions where we could put our ideas to the team.

Animal: Sounds like you got to meet a lot of famous admins and developers. I wish I got to meet that many admins and developers. Anyways, what do you have planned in the future for developing and scripting games?

AlvinBLOX: In the future I’m going to be developing a game with someone else, but I can’t release any details yet!

Animal: Anything that you can release about it that is secret for only people who spend their time getting to this point?

AlvinBLOX: Hmmm… I suppose I could tell you that it’s a fighting game? ;)

Animal: While saying some of it it still keeps the game secret. What would you say is your dream hat on Roblox?

AlvinBLOX: My dream hat would probably have to be the Domino Crown.

Animal: Luckily I already own my dream hat. Which is the Yellow Banded Top Hat. How did you come up with your username?

AlvinBLOX: Well, when I joined ROBLOX my name was alvin1104 - The ‘alvin’ part of the name came from the ‘Alvin and the Chipmunks’ film which I was watching before I joined. The 1104 came from when I was playing another game, I saw another user with 1104 on the end of their name and I decided to steal it. Since then I’ve had a few username changes, but I’ve decided to stick with AlvinBLOXX, just because I think it sounds better.

Animal: Anything you’d like to say to people wanting to become the next Roblox developer or wanting to be some big-time scripter

AlvinBLOX: Don’t expect to be a pro scripter overnight - learning scripting takes time, so I would say dedicate an amount of time per day to it, for example learn one new thing about scripting per day. Sometimes learning to script can get boring too, but stick at it and you’ll get better. Practice makes perfect!

Animal: I guess if that’s everything, the interview is finished. Thanks for coming.

AlvinBLOX: No problem, thanks for having me on! I really like these interviews you’re doing, keep them up!

Animal: If we keep finding people then it will keep going.