Saturday, May 20, 2017

The End

I have come with sad news. Although we've been putting out a lot of posts lately, I am sorry to say that the end of the group is coming. But don't be too sad, I'd like to think of what I've accomplished through the years.


I am more sure that we've been interviewing people before anyone else. Before THEM Magazines, before Roblox's new weekly interviews. Maybe we didn't inspire them to pursue interviews but I know that for a short time we were the only place to see a developer/Roblox admin get asked the simplest questions and get to know them more. Plus on top of that it showed anyone could get an interview with someone who is really popular in the community.

The Beginning

It all started out as a little story blog. Originally started by LordElastic, AnimalBot99, Animalzer0Alt9 and Uchennambachu just chatting back and forth and playing the role of characters we soon got into contact with Arceusinator. I believe me and Elastic were finding problems with hats and gear thumbnails and Arceus worked with the hats' thumbnails. So a few days later Elastic asks him if we could talk to him on Google Docs. I was all confused on what we could talk about. At that time we just wrote stories, what do we want to talk about with him? It soon turned into an interview. But not any type of interview; we just said whatever. "Hey, could you donate me Robux?" "Favorite animal?" In later interviews me and Elastic had this little competition. He liked the green banded top hat, I believe, and I liked yellow banded. So we would ask our guests "So, yellow banded or green?" Of course we'd both hope they'd say that color we like. Maybe one of them said yellow. But it was always great to have that little competition. We soon got more people to interview. We started to get big with the interview of JackInTheBlox. It was our first admin! We felt like we made it. Of course the questions we asked were all the same. Anything that came to mind we said. Soon we got to interview Merely & Quenty, at the same time. Two of the biggest developers. How much more could you ask for? But ever since then we haven't been able to top that. Interviews slowly went down, THEM Magazines came out. Don't get me wrong, I like THEM. Very professional and nice magazine to read. I even tried to apply for a job. I think you see how well that went.
Soon enough some of the other members helping to run this left. Soon enough it was just me running it all. I tried to keep this as active as I could. I must say I did a pretty good job. But now it's time to end it. I'll never forget what a great experience this was. The ROBLOX Archives will close on May 24th, 2017.

Until next time.
